

试卷代号 :1161
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2018 年秋季学期”开放本科”期末考试
开放英语 试题
第一部 交际用语{共计 10 分,每小题 分)
1-5 小题:阅读下面的小对话,从 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并
1. – May 1 help you , madam?
A. Sorry , 1 have no idea
B. Yes, l’ d like 2 kilos of oranges
c. You’ d better give me a hand
2. l’ ve got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together?
A. The tickets must be expensive
B. The match must be exciting
c. Why not? Let’ s go
3. Hello could 1 speak to Don please?
A. Who are you
B. Who’ s speaking
C. Are you J ane
4. May 1 know your address?
A. Sure. Here you are
B. 1 have no idea
C. It’ s far from here
5. – Well , Mary , how are you?
A. l’m good
B. l’ m pleased
C. l’m fine
第二部分 词汇与结构{共计 20 分,每小题 分}
6-15 小题:阅读下面的旬子,从 A…B 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在
6. The road 一一一一_ bui1t 1ast year.
A. has being built
C. was
7. That is the dog 一一一一 name is Henry.
B. is being
whose B. who
C. which
8. 1 prefer tea 一一-一一 coffee.
A. to
C. by
9. You like playing footbal1,一一一一一_ you?
B. from
A. do B. didn’t
C. don’t
10. She has lived here 一一一一一 three years.
A. since B. for
C. during
11. If 1 get the new job , 一-一一一串 buy a better car.
A. will B. would
C. might
12. The definition leaves 一一一一_ for disagreement.
A. a small room
C. great deal room
13. China is
A. in
C. at
B. much room
the east of Asia.
B. to
14. The blue whaleis 一一一一_ largest animal in the world.
A. a B. the
C. the most
15. He was 一一一_ about his new job.
A. over the moon B. on the moon
C. above the moon
第三部分 完形填空{共计 30 分,每题 分)
16 25 小题:阅读下面的短文,从短文后所错的 三个选项申选出能填入相应空白处的
1n the UK , in business situations, when you meet someone (16) the first time you
shake hands and say , “How do you do?” This ìs not really a questìon , and the reply
(1 7) it is another greeting such as “How do you do?” or “Hello” or “1′ m very
(1 8) to meet you” or, if you have met the person sometime before , “It’ s good to see
you gain”.
You don’t (1 9) hands every tìme you meet someone , you just greet them. If you
are invited (20) someone’ s house for dinner, it ìs usual to take a present-some
chocolates (2 1) flowers or, if you know them quite well , a bottle of wine. If you do not
know the host wel1, don’t be the 1ast person to 1eave. Te1ephone (22) next day to thank
the host for the meal. English peop1e don’ t 1ike to ta1k about persona1 things, and tend to
(23) religion , politics and money.
Good topics for small ta1k are the weather, holidays, weekend activities, gardens and
architecture , (24) houses and homes. When you go to a pub or bar, it’ s usual to take
(25) to buy a drink for everyone in your group and pay for the drinks when you get
them from the bar and before you drink them.
16. A. at
17. A. for
18. A. pleasing
19. A. shake
B. for
B. after
B. pleased
B. touch
C. since
C. to
C. pleasant
C. fee1
20. A. at
21. A. or
22. A. in
23. A. talk about
24. A. especia11y
25. A. chance
B. with
B. and
B. the
B. ask about
B. specìal
B. opportunity
C. to
C. with
C. within
C. avoid
C. specia11y
C. turns
第四部分 阅读理解{共计 20 分,每小题 分}
26-30 小题:阅读下列短文,从 三个选项中选出一个正确警察,并在答题纸上写出所
Anna is our only daughter. My wife and 1 have two sons, and Anna is the youngest in
the family , but she’s twenty-five now. Anna was not we11 when she was little. It was a very
worrying time and she stayed at home a lot. She was seen first by the local doctors, and then
she was sent to a specialist in Cardiff where she was diagnosed as diabetic. It was my wife
who mainly took care of her then. 1 am not very good at looking after little chì1dren. 1
suppose 1 am a bit traditional in that way. But when she f\rew up a bit , we spent a 10t of
time together. We 10ved wa1kìng and talking and discussing 1ife. We still10ve it today. We
get on very well.
Although she looks 1ike me (ta11 , dark hair, dark eyes and dark skin) , she takes after
her mother: she is artistic and m usica1 , and like her mother she’ s a ttracti ve.
She 10ves looking after animals-she has two dogs, three cats and a goat. She lives in a
little house in the country. 1 like animals too. 1 like riding and hunting , but Anna hates
hunting. She thinks it’ s cruel. We discuss it a lot.
She is quiet and a bit shy with strangers. 1 am more outgoing and 1 love meeting new
people. But she’ s not boring-actua11y , she’ s very funny. She always has lots of stories of
her life in the country. She’ s an art and music teacher in a little vi1lage school.
She is very good-natured. Anna says we brought her up we11 , and she’ s going to bring
her children up to be honest and loyal. But 1 think she was easy to bring up. 1 don’ t
remember ever telling her off.
26. According to the passage , when Anna was a child , she 一一一一..
A. got an illness B. was very queer
c. didn’ t look like the author
27. It can be Înferred from the passage the author thinks looking after little children is
A. his advantage
C. really enjoyable
B. mainly a woman’ s responsibility
28. What does “take after” mean in the first sentence of Para. 2?
A. look after
C. look like
B. be different from
29. My daughter and 1 have little in common in terms of _一一一-一·
A. loving walking and talking
C. loving animals
B. character
30. From the passage , we can see the author’s description of his daughter is 一-一—
A. affectionate
C. critical
B. humorous
第五部分 书面表达 (20 分}
31. Directions: For this part , you are allowed thirty minutes to write a passage on the
topic My TV University Life. You should write at least 80 words and could base your
writing by using the hints given below.
be engaged in long distance education
web-based courses
join online discussion forums
send our homework to the tutor
solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial
岛1′ TV University Life
试卷代号 :1161 座位号rn
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学)2018 年秋季学期”开放本科”期末考试
E 户严|
1. 2.
6. 7.
11. 12.
16. 17.
21. 22.
巨ì’!’ifílÁ I
26. 27.
开放英语 试题答题纸
I |II I mÎ N I v 总分|
第一部分 支际用语{共计 10 分,每小题 分)
3. 4. 5.
第二部分 词汇与结构{共计 20 分,每小题 分)
8. 9. 10.
13. 14. 15.
第三部分 完形填空{共计 30 分,每小题 分}
18. 19. 20.
23. 24. 25.
第四部分 阅读理解(共计 20 分,每小题 分}
28. 29. 30.
第五部分书面表达 (20 分}
31. Directions: For this art , you are allowed thirty minutes to write a ass ge on the
topic My TV University Life . You should write at least 80 words and could base your
writing by using the hints given below.
be engaged in long distance education
web- based courses
join online discussion forums
send our homework to the tutor
solve the difficulties and puzzles in tutorial
My TV University Life
试卷代号 :1161
国家开放大学(中央广播电视大学 )2018 年秋季学期”开放本科”期末考试
开放英语 试题答案及评分标准
第一部分 交际用语{共计 10 分,每小题 分)
l. B 2. C 3.B 4.A 5. C
第二部分 词汇与结构{共计 20 分,每小题 分}
6. C 7.A 8.A 9.C 10. B
11. A 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. A
第三部分 完形填空{共计 30 分,每小题 分)
16. B 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. C
21. A 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. C
第四部分 阅读理解{共计 20 分,每小题 分)
26. A 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. A
第五部分 书面表达 (20 分)
31. (1)评分原则
①本题总分为 20 分,按 个档次给分。
①字数少于 50 的(不包括所给句子和标点符号)从总分中减去 分。
(2) 各档次的给分范围和要求
11-15 ·句型和词汇有变化

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