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1. 答卷前,考生務必將自己的姓名、准考證號填寫在答題卡上。

2. 回答選擇题時,選出每小题答案後,用鉛筆把答题卡上對應題目的答案標號塗 黑。如需改動,用橡皮擦乾淨後,再選塗其他答案標號。回答非選擇題時,將答案寫 在答题卡上,寫在本試卷上無效。

3. 考試結束後,將本試卷和答题卡一件交回。

I. 聽力(共20小題,每小題1.5分;滿分30分)

聽完録音後,從各題所給的四個選項中選出能回答所提問题的最佳選項。所有録 音材料均僅讀一遍。

例: Man:I wonder why the office is still not open.

Woman:But it’s not yet eight.In fact,it’s only a quarter to eight. When does the office open?

A.At 8:30. B.At 8:15. C.At 8:00. D.At 7:45.


聽第1 段材料,回答第1小题

1.What are the speakers doing?

A.Waiting for Beth. B.Writing to Beth.

C.Talking with Beth. D.Listening to Beth.


2.Where is Bill now?

A.At the beach. B.In the school.

C.In the airport. D.At home.




3.What is Jason going to do probably?

A.Search for a program. B.Do his homework.

C.Reduce the noise. D.Look after the kids.


4.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Buy a running machine. B.Stick to home exercise.

C.Get professional help. D.Try outdoor workouts.


5.Where is the man going?

A.Riverside Road. B.Silver Balls

C.The Town Hall. D.Oxford Street.


6.What was Tina’s plan for tomorrow?

A.Staying in the hotel. B.Relaxing at home.

C.Going to a restaurant. D.Visiting the man.

7.How will Tina get to meet the man?

A.By bus. B.Driving her own car.

C.By taxi. D.Taking the underground.

8.When will Tina start off?

A.At 12:00. B.At 12:30. C.At 13:00. D.At 13:30.

聽第7段材料,回答第9至第11 小题

9.What does the man think of acting?

A.It is lying. B.It is natural.

C.It is imaginary. D.It is believable.

10.What do we know about the woman?

A.She draws well. B.She loves public speech.

C.She organises meetings. D.She has different roles in life.

11.What is the woman?

A.A program host. B.A film producer.

C.An actress. D.A baker.



聽第8段材料,回答第12、13 小题

12.Which country charges for plastic bags?

A.England B.Bangladesh.

C.South Africa. D.Italy

13.What does the woman prefer to do with plastic bags?

A.Making no use of them. B.Using them repeatedly.

C.Charging more on them. D.Getting them for free.


14.What does Peter think about having holidays?

A.Costly B.Exciting

C.Relaxing D.Fashionable.

15.What makes Sarah think about having picnics?

A.People coming together. B.Delicious dishes.

C.A comfortable place. D.Good weather.

16.Where is the word “picnic”from?

A.Latin. B.German

C.French. D.Indian.

17.What is the topic of this BBC program?

A.British way of life. B.Opinions on picnic.

C.Social customs D.Rules of picnicking


18.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.Changes in people. B.Changes in life.

C.The force of time. D.Memories about time.

19.What does the speaker consider as the magic point in life for most people?

A.Teenager years. B.Middle ages

C.The future. D.The present.

20.What does the speaker think as difficult?

A.Clear memories about the past. B.Imagination about future.

C.Realization of mistakes. D.The development of brain power.





從A 、B 、C 、D 四個選项中,遥出可以填入空白處的最佳答案。

21.A boy and a girl were sitting on a bench. boy was smiling but girl

looked angry.

A.The,the B.The,a C.A,a D.A,the

22.I take your point on this problem, my views on the matter remain the same. A.if B.but C.so D.because

23.Simply the form and return it to me,and I shall personally reserve the hotel room for you.

A.completed B.to complete C.completing D.complete 24.The last time I went to Harbin was in December, the weather was so cold.

A.whether B.where C.when D.how

25. she perform out of our expectations,but she added great value to the team.

A.Not did only B.Did not only C.Only not did D.Not only did 26.He couldn’t help feeling sorry for when he heard how she’d been treated.

A.him B.her C.himself D.herself

27. you book weeks in advance,you won’t get a flight.

A.After B.If C.Unless D.For

28.We had a man to us as we sat in the restaurant having our meal.

A.sang B.singing C.was singing D.had sung

29.Something you need to know is _Kate is working hard to get a promotion at the


A.that B.when C.how D.while

30. you need any help,you can always phone me at the office.

A.Could B.Must C.Should D.Would

31.They were all laughing when came a knock at the door.

A.it B.here C.there D.that

32. worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A.One B.That C.He D.It 33.Go after what you want, you may not believe that it is possible.

A.as B.even though C.when D.in case

34. by local volunteers,staff at the museum have spent many years sorting out more

than 100,000 photographs.

A.Helped B.Helping C.To be helped D.To be helping



35.She looked out and ,walking along arm in arm with Goldie.

A.there Pamela was B.was Pamela there

C.Pamela was there D.Pamela there was

B) 完形填空(共20 小题)

閱讀下麵短文,掌握其大意,然後從 36 至 5 5 各题所给的四個選项中選出一個最


At first sight,Action Hunger’s vending machine(自動售賣機)appears just like any other.However,look closer,and you will 36 that the products inside have no .37 . That’s because the goods are to provide the area’s 38 with free goods like socks, toothbrushes,fresh fruit and water.

Khaled,the founder, 39 the idea after talking to the many homeless people he befriended.He realized that there 40 to be a more effective way of . 41 ensuring the necessities were always available.

To get the goods,the person 42 has to obtain a card from The Friary,. 43 for the homeless that has been in 44 for over 30 years.To ensure everyone gets a 45

share,each cardholder is 46 only three items of their choice a day.. 47 that may sound cruel,Khaled says,“The . 48 is that users don’t become 49 on the machines, and are working towards a long-term plan for . 50 the streets.”

The machine is refilled 51 _by volunteers,who also keep track of the most . 52 items.Fifty percent of the food is donated (捐赠)while the rest is 53 from local restaurants.Though it has . 54 been a few months since the machine was put into use in December 2017,the early 55 and feedback have been extremely encouraging.

Khaled next plans to roll out the machines to other locations within the UK and four US cities!

36.A.believe B.understand C.realize D.guess
37.A.consumer B.price C.producer D.market
38.A.homeless B.children C.wealthy people D.old people
39.A.came across with B.came out of C.came into D.came up with
40.A.wanted B.was C.came D.had

41.A.at least B.not at all C.after all D.not least

42.A.at first B.at last C.last D.first

43.A.a day center B.a kindergarten C.a magazine D.an organizer



44.A.business B.operation C.performance D.action
45.A.valuable B.fair C.large D.common
46.A.afforded B.charged C.chosen D.allowed
47.A.However B.Whether C.While D.For

48.A.thought B.view C.opinion D.idea

49.A.disappointed B.dependent C.excited D.focused

50.A.walking on B.staying in C.getting off D.running over
51.A.daily B.slightly C.nearly D.possibly
52.A.favorite B.expensive C.enjoyable D.popular
53.A.obtained B.sold C.made D.left
54.A.still B.already C.only D.even
55.A.seryice B.data C.production D.collection

II. 閱讀理解(共20小题,每小题2.5分;满分50分)




Hacking isn’t just for computers.According to a study published in the journal Science, scientists have found a way to hack a plant’s genes in order to make it use sunlight more quickly.Someday,the results could increase the amount of food produced around the world.

Photosynthesis is the word used to describe how plants use sunlight,water,and carbon dioxide to make their own food.Scientists who conducted the new study say this is a very slow process.Plants use less than 1 percent of the energy available to them.But by hacking a plant’s genes,the scientists were able to increase the amount ofleaf growth on plants between 14 and 20 percent.

Specifically,scientists hacked the plant’s protective system.Normally,this system becomes active when a plant gets too much sunlight.When the plant senses the light,it gets rid of extra energy and creates more leaves.When the plant is in shade,the protective system is turned off.But the process is slow.

Stephen Long is the lead author of the study.He compared a plant’s protective system to light-adjusting glasses.When a person wears the glasses outside during the day,the lenses darken and lighten depending on how sunny it is.Plants do the same thing,he said.But in plants the adjustment can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour.This makes it hard for

plants to get the right amount of sunlight needed to create food.



The new study sped up the process.By changing the plant’s genes,the protective system tumed on and off more quickly than normal.As a result,leaf growth on the plants scientists used in the study increased.Leaf growth in two plants increased by 20 percent,while leaf growth on a third plant increased by 14 percent.Scientists conducted the study on tobacco plants.But they think the genetic modifications(轉變)would produce the same results in plants such as corn and rice.

“Now that we know it works,it won’t be too difficult to do it with other crops,”said Long.“If you look at crops around the world,”he said,”it would increase many million tons of food.”It will be at least 15 years before scientists can adjust crops on a large scale,Long says.But he believes the study is the first step in that direction.

56.What does “hacking”mainly refer to in the text?

A.Getting information secretly. B.Changing plants’genes.

C.Breaking down protective systems. D.Making full use of sunlight. 57.What do scientists in this study say about photosynthesis?

A.It is an important protective system. B.Its process could be much faster.

C.It’s wasting too much energy. D.It helps leaves to grow quickly. 58.What is the most important value of the study?

A.To increase food production. B.To develop better plant genes.

C.To grow better tobacco. D.To save energy

59.Where does the text most probably come from?

A.A textbook. B.A magazine.

C.A computer menu. D.A gardening guidebook.


The story of Cleopatra,a beautiful 17-year-old girl when she became the powerful ruler of ancient Egypt,has interested people for thousands of years.Now new information about Cleopatra’s life is coming to the surface.Parts of her ancient royal court have been found near Alexandria,Egypt.All of these ruins are underwater.

Ancient Egyptian writings and drawings show that Cleopatra owned a royal (王室的) palace on an island named Antirhodos.The island was near Alexandria,the capital city of

Egypt during Cleopatra’s rule in the first century B.C.

Although the city of Alexandria still exists today,floods and earthquakes buried

Antirhodos under water more than 1,600 years ago.But it wasn’t lost for good.In 1996,



undersea explorer Franck Goddio found it beneath just 18 feet of water,off the shore of Alexandria.He found the ruins of Cleopatra’s palace in mud,seaweed,and garbage.

Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy XIlI began to rule Egypt together in 51 B.C.But Ptolemy did not want to share the power,and he forced Cleopatra out of the palace.The clever young woman saw her chance to regain power when Rome’s main leader,Julius Caesar, traveled to Egypt.In order to meet with him,Cleopatra is said to have sneaked(潜行)into the palace rolled up in a carpet!Caesar soon fell in love with Cleopatra.He helped her push Ptolemy aside and take control of Egypt.

After Caesar was murdered by his enemies,a new Roman leader,Mark Antony,met Cleopatra.Just like Caesar,Antony fell in love with her.He moved into Cleopatra’s palace at


Soon people back in Rome feared that Antony was more interested in Egypt than in his own empire.They turned against him and Egypt and sent a huge army by sea,which eventually defeated Egypt.In despair,Cleopatra and Antony took their own lives.Ancient Egypt’s last queen died at the age of 39.

60.How did Cleopatra’s life catch people’s attention again?

A.Through ancient Egyptian writings and drawings.

B.Through the finding of the underwater city.

C.Through the recent floods in Alexandria.

D.Through the retelling of old stories.

61.What does“it”(underlined in paragraph 3)refer to?

A.Egypt. B.Alexandria. C.Antirhodos. D.Ptolemy XI

62.Who helped Cleopatra regain power after Ptolemy XIII forced her away? A.Franck Goddio B.People in Egypt.

C.Mark Antony. D.Julius Caesar.

63.Which of the following words best describes Cleopatra in the passage?

A.Warm-hearted. B.Cruel. C.Quick-minded. D.Selfless.


If you feel as though the high five has been around forever -a gesture with prehistoric origins similar to clinking glasses(碰杯)and shaking hands-you might be surprised to learn the cheerful act only dates back about 40 years.In fact,the phrase wasn’t added to the Oxford Dictionary until 1981.



But despite the high five’s relative newness,there’s no agreed-upon story of how it got started.Two likely theories attribute(歸因) it to baseball players;in particular,Glenn Burke of the Los Angeles Dodgers and Derek Smith of the Louisville Cardinals.

As the Burke theory goes,the first high five took place at Dodger stadium on October 2, 1977.In celebrating left-fielder Dusty Baker’s home run,outfielder Glenn Burke greeted the player by excitedly throwing his hand toward the sky.”His hand was up in the air,and he was arching way back”Baker said,“So I reached up and hit his hand.It seemed like the thing to do.”

If that story is true,the Burke-Baker high five was the first.And even if it’s not,Burke still seems to take credit:“You think about the feeling you get when you give someone the high five,”he told a newspaper reporter.”I had that feeling before everybody else.”

Another theory attributes the origin of the high five to the Louisville Cardinals’i978-79 basketball season.In this story,Wiley Brown,the team’s forward,went to give a low-five to teammate Derek Smith.The low-five had been a popular hand gesture among African Americans since the early 1920s.It is said that Smith looked at Wiley and said,“No.Up High.”Thus,the high five was born.

To make matters even more complicated(複雜的),Conor Lastowka,a founder of National High Five Day,created another story to add to this bin of theories.This one, according to Mental Floss,is incorrect.In Lastowka’s version,Murray State basketball player Lamont Sleets invented the gesture in the late 1970s,after being inspired by his father’s Vietnam unit,the Ist Battalion,5th Infantry,or,“The Fives.”

So who actually invented this celebratory hand gesture?No one knows -but here’s a virtual high five to whoever it was.You deserve it.

64.Why does the text discuss high five?

A.It’s a dictionary entry. B.It’s a strange hand gesture.

C.It’s a prehistoric social custom. D.It’s a new cultural phenomenon. 65.What caused high five to come into being according to Burke theory?

A.The winning of a point. B.The injury of a player’s hand.

C.The excited shouting of crowds. D.The return home of the victory team. 66.What do we know about the gesture of low-five?

A.It led to the appearance of high five. B.It was popular among baseball players.

C.Smith usually did it with his teammates. D.It appeared together with high five. 67.Who started National High Five Day?

A.Wiley Brown. B.Mental Floss. C.Conor Lastowka. D.Lamont Sleets.




Whether your goal is to energize employees,develop team spirit,improve productivity or just have fin,Club Auto Sport has a variety of efiective team building activities to meet your needs.

Sensational Sushi Wraps

8150 per person (10-50 people)

This activity pulls together teams that must work together to make sushi hand rolls.A master sushi cook will do the training,and teams compete to make their own sushi.The final product will be judged on taste,appearance,teamwork,time

management,and communication.

Time limit:2 hours

Darla Amdt-Event Sales

408.770.1202 darla@clubautosport.net

521 Charcot Avenue,San Jose,CA95131

Build Your Own Bordeaux

8450 Base Fee+8135/person

This is an activity to improve team work in a most creative manner.Each team

will make a delicious mix in 45 minutes The final mixes from all teams are

judged by a member of the winemaking club.The winning mix is named by the team that made it and taken back to the winery to be bottled

Time limit:2 hours

Sarah Wilson-Event Sales



521 Charcot Avenue,San Jose,


Too Fun Tricycle Races

8125/hour,3 riders at a time

Use the skills you learned as a kid!This action- packed team building activity is a great way to take part in friendly competition(競赛)that relies on both individual effort and group performance Every team member is important!

Time limit:1 hour

Andrew Cardoso -Event Sales

408.986.4523 Ancardoso@clubautosport.net 521 Charcot Avenue,San Jose,CA95131

Mission Possible Scavenger Hunt

$30/person,(8450 minimum)15-200 people

Dare to try this high energy event that requires leadership, creativity efficiency and most of all -team work! Fun is an important part of this activity as people race against time and eac

other to complete as many of the special tasks as possible to earn their place as part of the new Mission Possible force unit.

Time limit:1.5 hours

Eddie James-Event Sales



521 Charcot Avenue,San Jose,


The TMFC Team Building Bundle

840/person ($400 minimum)10-30 people

Too much Fun Club!We have put these three

activities into a package that will have your workmates chatting for months!Leaders will

appear and everyone will fully take part in team work.The three activities include Color Blind,E-

maze and All Aboard!

Time limit:N/A

Alfred McNamara-Event Sales

408.554.7891 AlfMcN@clubautosport.net 521 Charcot Avenue,San Jose,CA95131



68.Which activity can you enjoy like a child?

A.Too Fun Tricycle Races.

B.Sensational Sushi Wraps.

C.Build Your Own Bordeaux.

D.Mission Possible Scavenger Hunt.

69.What is the product of Build your Own Bordeaux?

A.Topics for chatting. B.Wine.

C.Rewards. D.Sushi hand rolls.

70.Who might you call if you want to try Color Blind activity?

A.Darla Arndt. B.Sarah Wilson.

C.Eddie James. D.Alfred McNamara.

71.Which of the following is the best title for the ad?

A.Team Building Traditions

B.Club Auto Sport-Mission Possible

C.Gain Energy in Two Hours

D.Enjoy the Races


In a world where we are tweeting,texting,Googling and checking e-mail all the time, technology addiction(沉迷) is a real concern for today’s kids.Yet parents are often unable to unplug from their own digital devices,research suggests.A recent national survey conducted by Common Sense Media,which included nearly 1,800 parents of children aged eight to 18, found that parents spend an average of nine hours and 22 minutes every day in front of various screens-including smartphones,tablets,computers and televisions.Of those,nearly eight hours are for personal use,not work.

Perhaps even more surprising is that 78 percent of parents surveyed believe they are good role models for how to use digital technology.Multimedia are designed to be engaging and habit-forming,so we do not even realize how much time we spend when we warn people against the overuse of our devices,says Catherine Steiner-Adair,a clinical psychologist and author of The Big Disconnect.

This can be bad news for children,who not only feel that their parents are not caring them or do not find them as engaging as the screen but who also learn to follow their parents’ behavior,Steiner-Adair notes.Studies show that greater use of technology among tweens and

teens results in a preference for digital time over physical activity and worse performance in



school.Babies also have a harder time learning emotional(情感的)and nonverbal cues because their parents always have what is called “still face phenomenon”from concentrating

on mobile devices.

The good news,however,is that if parents use screen time for shared activities with a child -watching a movie or playing an educational game together,for example -it can enhance the child’s learning.According to the survey,94 percent of parents recognize that technology can be used to support their children’s education.The key is to limit and track kids’time with technology and set rules for themselves,too.Modeling healthy media habits can start with something as simple as making the family dinner table a device-free zone.

72.Why do parents spend so much time every day on digital devices?

A.They have to use them for work.

B.They just follow the national rules.

C.They’ve just got the habit to do so.

D.They like using them with their kids.

73.What can we infer about Catherine Steiner-Adair’s feeling from her words?

A.Surprised. B.Worried.

C.Scared. D.Excited.

74.How are small babies affected according to paragraph 3?

A.They are likely to move less.

B.They tend to make faces more.

C.They’ll be slow in expressing feelings.

D.They won’t see their parents clearly.

75.What does “the good news”in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Dinner tables can always be device-free.

B.Kids can use digital devices to play games.

C.Parents can make good use of digital devices for kids.

D.There are rules to guide kids how to use digital devices.



IV. 短文改錯(共15小題,每小題1分;滿分15分)

此题要求你對一段文章改錯。先對每一行作出判断是對還是錯。如果是對的,在 該行右邊横線上畫一個勾 (V); 如果有錯誤(每行不會多於一個錯誤),則按情况改錯 如下:

此行多一個詞:把多餘的詞用斜線(\)劃掉,在該行右邊横線上寫出該詞,也用 斜線劃掉。

此行缺一個詞:在缺詞處加一個漏字元號 (A), 在該行右邊横線上寫出該加的詞。 此行錯一個詞:在錯的詞下劃一横線,在該行右邊横線上寫出改正後的詞。



When I have free time I go A a long walk.Some (a) for

people read the books or watch television while others (b) the

have sports.Charles and Linda Mason do all of these (c)_ V

things as well as climbed buildings. (d) climbing;climb

V . 書面表達(共1题,滿分20分)



● 可觀看的電影種類;

● 觀影后的活動;

● 觀影時間和地點。







1. 在“条形码粘贴处”横贴条形码,注意不要超出框外。



用2B铅笔填涂选择题选项,正确方法是! 。选项框内








姓 名
考场号 座位号




2tAJEB]tC1ED] 3tAJtB]tC]tD]










14[A]CB][C]CD] 15[A]CB][C][D]
















31[A][BJ[C]CD] 32 tA]LB]tC]tD]













49[A]CB3tC]TD1 50tAJ[B]tC][D] 51tAJtBJtCJLDJ 52tAJtB]tC]tD] 53rA]tB]EC][D] 54[A][B][C][D] 55tAJtBJEC1 ED1 56tAJtB]tC]tD] 57tA]tB]tC]tD]











69[A][B][C][D] 70[A][B1[C][D]

71[A][B][CJCD] 72[A][B][C][D]




以下为非选择题答题区, 必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在各题目的指定区域内作答,否则答案无效。

IV . 短文改错

Dear Mr.Sam,

I am writing to ask you to helping us.We are now
















learning about nature.Our problem was that the wildlife in

our city is very limited.And there is no a lot of opportunities

to learn about wildlife protect.We believe if our class can

take field trip to your village,the problem would be solved.

Our class will make the trip like a great learning

experience.We will prepare a study’s guide for the class

to learn about the animals and give informations about

saving endangered wildlife.During the trip,we will

find out how your hometown provide a natural place for

the wildlife to live.This experience would help we to

understand the importance of science on our daily life.


We would be very happy if you might show us around


your village and see how we can all do to protect and

respecting the wildlife so they will still be around when

we have children.

Looking forward to your reply.



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