2024年在线网课学习课堂《英语话农史—华夏篇(江西农大 )》单元测试考核答案


第 1 题
It is difficult for foreigners to understand ancient Chinese
characters because they are so abstract.
第 2 题
In ancient China, the scarcity of food was caused by bad weather conditions.
第 3 题
It is believed that Shennong is the same person as Yan Di.
第 4 题
Shennong invented a tool to catch fish.
第 5 题
Millet began to be cultivated about 6,000 BC along Yellow River.
第 6 题
Horses, buffaloes, sheep, ducks, roosters and pigs are called 六畜 in Chinese.
Section 2
第 1 题
What was Guangzhou’s name in ancient time?
A Chuting.
B Chucheng.
C Chu State.
D Chu Province.
第 2 题
The golden-haired dog sought the rice seed for .
A Chu people
B Dai people
C Dong people
D Hui people
第 3 题
Rice bears cultural connotations of sacrifices and . A subsistence crop
B blessings
C fairy tales

D archaeological discoveries
第 4 题
Which of the following is not a traditional food during Spring Festival? A Niangao.
B Fagao.
C Zongzi.
D Rice.
第 5 题
Which of the following animals is not associated with the origin of rice based on the tales?
A Dogs.
B Birds.
C Horses.
D Pigs.
Section 3
第 1 题
According to the legend, Leizu discovered sericulture and invented the silk reel and the silk loom.
第 2 题
It was tea that killed Shennong when he tasted the herbs.
第 3 题
In the Han dynasty, tea became popular as a recreational drink across the nation.
第 4 题
Lu Yu was honored by people as “Medicine Buddha”.
第 5 题
Tea has many functions. For example, it may help resolve meat and fat and thus promote digestion.
第 6 题
West Lake Longjin, DongTing Biluo Chun, Huangshan Maoafeng and Anxi TieGuangyin are all famous green teas in China.

第 1 题
Who was the creator of the digging tool Leisi?
A Emperor Yan.
B Han Wudi.
C Xu Guangqi.
D Song Yingxing.
第 2 题
Which of the following information is NOT correct about seed plow created by Zhao Guo in Han dynasty?
A It was able to produce three furrows at a time.
B While plowing, it could sow the seeds and cover them with soil. C It was time efficient.
D Zhao Guo’s seed plow had very limited impact.
第 3 题
The broadcast seeds laid on top of the ground have a much lower germination rate than those with a covering.
第 4 题
During the Han dynasty, China’s seeding system was far more powerful than the European seeding system.
第 5 题
Leisi has no disadvantage at all.
Section 1 Agriculture Promotion–作业
第 1 题
The altar of god was a spot for worshiping the tribe ancestors and gods by the emperors in the Tang dynasty.
第 2 题
Yu Wenyong initiated a reform to confiscate the land of 40,000 temples.
第 3 题
Wang Anshi, once the Prime Minister during the reign of Shenzong in

the Song dynasty, enforced the farm-loan system to encourage
agricultural production.
第 4 题
Emperor Kangxi in the Qing dynasty abolished the land-enclosure order.
第 5 题
Yuwen Yong’s promotion policies largely increased the burden of farmers.

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