重庆电大512英语I(2)(专科)(省) 作业一

一、单项选择题(共 5 道试题,共 10 分。交际用语,阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。)

1.  —  What does he look like?C
—  ___________________.

A. He just got married
B.  He is about 40
C.  He is tall and thin
      满分:2  分


— Could I have a bottle of water, please?B
— _____________________.

A. Thank you very much
B. Certainly, madam
C. See you later
      满分:2  分

3.  —  Is dinner ready, Carol?A
—   ________________.

A.  It’s nearly ready
B.  I’m hungry
C.  Fine, thank you.
      满分:2  分

4.  —   I went to a fashion show last night.C
—   __________________________?

A. Who took away my book
B.  Why not
C. What was it like
      满分:2  分


— Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number?C
—  ________________.

A. Nice to meet you
B. No,thank you
C. Yes,It’s 6825612

      满分:2  分

二、单项选择题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。选择填空,阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、 B、 C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。)
1.  A:  What a nice day!C
B: Yes. Let’s go camping, __________?

A.  don’t we
B.  won’t we
C.  shall we
      满分:2  分

2.  The gifts he brought from Britain _____________ last week.B

A.  sent out(送出)
B.  were sent out
C.  have sent out
      满分:2  分

3.  I’m tired. I haven’t got ______ energy (精力)to go to the gym today.A

A.  enough
B.  many
C.  little
      满分:2  分

4.  ______ of her brothers came to the wedding. They don’t like her new husband.B

A.  Either
B.   Neither
C.  All
      满分:2  分

5.  A: Which picture do you like?A
B: I think the big ____________ is better.

A.  one
B.  ones
C.  picture
      满分:2  分

6.   We’re going ______ holiday in the autumn this year.C

A.  up
B.  to
C.  on
      满分:2  分

7.  A: ______ did you have for breakfast?B
B: Coffee and toast.

A. How
B.  What
C.  When
      满分:2  分

8.  My plant died. I ______ watered (浇水)it.A

A.  should have
B.  must have
C.  could have
      满分:2  分

9.  There wasn’t ______ in the house when she got home.C

A.  any
B.  somebody
C.  anybody
      满分:2  分

10.  Sorry, I’m not free this evening.  ______ dinner with Mike.A

A.  I will have
B.  I’m having
C.  I have
      满分:2  分

11.  She told the children ______ make a noise.B

A.  don’t
B.   not to
C.  to not
      满分:2  分

12.   He said that he _____________ try his best to help me.A

A.  would
B.  does
C.  will
      满分:2  分

13.  John enjoys ______________ while his brother prefers to go skiing.A

A.  jogging
B.  to jog
C.  jog
      满分:2  分

14.  I saw him ___________ in his office when everyone was looking for him.C

A.  reads a book
B.  to read a book
C.  reading a book
      满分:2  分

15.   He used to shout ______ me when I was a child.B

A.  on
B.  at
C.  after
      满分:2  分

16.  A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?C
B: I’d ___________ stay at home.

A.  like
B.   prefer
C.  rather
      满分:2  分

17.  He said he ______ got enough money.A

A.  hadn’t
B.  hasn’t
C.  didn’t
      满分:2  分

18.  He asked the waiter ______________ a glass of water.A

A.  for
B.  to
C.  with
      满分:2  分

19.  Paul ______ to learn French when he was 11.A

A. began
B.  begins
C. begin
      满分:2  分

20.  John didn’t turn up ____________ the meeting had finished.C

A.  by
B.  in
C.  until
      满分:2  分

三、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 20 分。短文理解,阅读下列短文,从A、 B、 C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。)
1.  短文理解1
    I live about 35 miles from London. We live in a pub which is run by my family. It’s a lovely old building. People sometimes ask me what it’s like to live and work with my family all the time, but I always say I like it. We have a big house next to the pub and so it never gets too crowded, even though there are quite a lot of us. My grandparents, Annie and Jack, bought the pub 60 years ago. They don’t work in it any more, but they still live next door. Everybody knows them, and people sometimes call the pub “Annie and Jack’s”. They are very proud of what they’ve done. My Mum, Jean, is their daughter. She’s spent all her life living here. My Dad, Jon, comes from a farm nearby, and now they run the pub together. I wonder if anybody will ever call it “Jean and Jon’s”?
    As well as me, my parents and grandparents, there are five other people living at the pub; my sister, Sue, and her daughter Kate’s 4 years old. She’s my first niece and my parent’s first grandchild, so she gets everything she wants! Margaret, James and Elizabeth live with us, too. Margaret is my mum’s sister, and she and James, her husband, help my mum and dad to run the pub. Elizabeth is their daughter. It’s a very popular pub and people come from a long way away for Sunday lunch.

1). Where does the writer live?B
A.   In the center of London.
B.   In a pub outside London.
C.  In a village near London.
      满分:2  分
2). Who bought the pub?A
A. Annie and Jack
B.  Jean and Jon
C. Margaret and James.
      满分:2  分
3). How many people are living at the pub?C
A. 5
B.  7
C. 10
      满分:2  分
4). Why does Kate get everything she wants?C
A. She is very lovely.
B.  She can do some housework..
C. She is the child of her generation (一代人)in the family.
      满分:2  分
5). Why do people come to the pub from far away on Sunday?B
A. To have a chat(聊天)
B.  To have lunch.
C. To see the writer’s grandparents
      满分:2  分

2.  短文理解2
                                                         The Weather in England
    The weather in England can change very quickly. A sunny day will probably(很有可能地)become rainy and cold.
    One day last week, we went for a walk in the country. It’s about five miles from my home. When we started in the morning, the sky was blue and it was warm and sunny. There were no clouds at all. But in the middle of the day, a sudden rain came. There was a big wind, too. We didn’t bring our coats and umbrella. There were no houses nearby. We walked in the rain about half an hour. We all sneezed (打喷嚏)when we got home. I had a bad cold after that.
    People sometimes say that in England you can have four seasons in one day.

1). In England, the weather sometimes changes very quickly.A
A. Right.
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
      满分:2  分
2). We went for a walk although it was cloudy.B
A. Right.
B.  Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
      满分:2  分
3). We enjoyed ourselves in the morning.C
A. Right.
B.  Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
      满分:2  分
4). I was ill after walking in the rain.A
A. Right.
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
      满分:2  分
5). The last sentence means that, in England, the weather can be very different in one day.A
A. Right.
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say
      满分:2  分

四、句型转换题(共 5 道试题,共 15 分。根据括号内的提示或利用括号内的词语改写句子。)

1.  Where is the hotel? (用He asked改写成间接疑问句)

He asked where the hotel was.

2.  He has gone to the U.S. He’s negotiating a new contract.(用动词不定式将两句连成一句).

He has gone to the U.S to negotiate a new contract.

3.  Mary didn’t stay in the meeting. She left the office. (用instead of将两句连成一句)

Instead of staying in the meeting, Mary (she) left the office

4.  That film is very interesting. The tickets are quite expensive. (用but将两句连成一句)

That film is very interesting, but the tickets are quite expensive.

5.  He didn’t run fast. He didn’t catch the first bus.(用enough… to将两句连成一句)

He didn’t run fast enough to catch the first bus.

五、翻译题(共 5 道试题,共 15 分。将下列句子翻译成中文。)

1.  We needed to have the website redesigned.


2.  I’ve asked John to check the computer.


3.  The flat was in a bit of mess.


4.  I didn’t have breakfast this morning.


5.  It would be great to see you again.


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