国开电大 2024《23895 3895 管理英语1 》期末考试题库(按字母排版)


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国开电大 2024《3895 管理英语1》期末考试题库
总题量 (281):单选题(237)填空题(28)复合题(16)
1.A fireman discovered the
__________________ of the fire.答案:cause
2.After you are ______________ with all
these jobs, we will discuss it.答案:
3.A good plan today is better than a perfect
plan tomorrow.答案:今日好计划胜过明日完美计
4.A good tour guide tells visitors ______. 答案:What they couldn’t miss during the
5.A good tour guide tells visitors__________. 答案:what they couldn’t miss during the
6.A letter of invitation is _______ to
invite people for a business event or
personal occasion.答案:writing
7.All of us are responsible
__________________ the baby’s safety.答案:
8.[-]- Anything else I can do for you?
– _________Thank you!答案:That’s all.
9.[—]— Are you ready, folks? — ________________答案:Yes, I’m ready.
I’ll have the vegetable salad.
10.Are you still looking ____________ a
11.A secretary must ______ big pile of
files and correspondence in office.答案:
deal with
12.A sudden noise of a fireengine made him
__________________ to the door答案:hurry
13.At last the Englishman got angry with
the visitor though he tried not to show it. 答案:最后英国人已很讨厌这位游客,但他尽力
14.A well ______________ job description
can answer a lot of questions from job
15.Can we ______ another worker to help
Jimmy or find another solution?答案:assign
16.[—]— Can you copy these papers for me? —答案:Ok. Just wait a moment please.
17.Can you explain your
arrangements ?答案:in detail
18.Charles regretted _______ the TV set
last year. The price has now come down.答
19.Children under fifteen are not permitted
to see such kind of movies ______ bad for
their mental development.答案:as is
20.Children under fifteen are not permitted
to see such kind of movies ________ bad for
their mental development.答案:which is
21.Copying files under Linux is similar
______ copying files under DOS.答案:to
22.[-]- Could you please give me a hand?
– ____________________________答案:Sure,
what is the matter?
23.[—]— Dad, this is my roommate, Andrea. — _________________答案:Hello, Andrea.
I’ve heard so much about you.
24.Does David ______?答案:like flying
25.Do not do anything _____ should go
against his will.答案:that
26.Don’t be afraid ask a lot of
27.Don’t forget to thank them for the ideas
they present.答案:不要忘记对提出想法的人表
28.[—]— Do you have any plans for
tomorrow morning? —答案:No. I have nothing planned tomorrow.
29.[-]- Do you mind if I smoke here?
– ____________.You can go to smoke in the
yard.答案:You’d better not.
30.Do you require a deposit(定金)to
a reservation?答案:confirm
31.Do you understand ___________ the
teacher said?答案:what
32.Do you want to fly first or ____________
33.Everyone in these schools ______________
English well.答案:speaks
34.Everyone is very ___________ to this boy. 答案:friendly
35.[—]— Excuse me, — Yes, it’s 8633-2788. If you have any
other questions, don’t hesitate to ask.答
案:could you please tell me what’s the
telephone number on my desk?
36.[-]- Excuse me,could you show me the way
to the nearest post office?
– __…_____Two blocks away from here at
the Green Avenue. You can’t miss it.答案:
Oh, yes!
37.[-]- Excuse me, where is the post
– Sorry I’m new here.
– _______________________答案:Thank you
all the same
38.Follow your plan and don’t stop until
it’s finished.答案:按照你的计划进行,完成之
39.George is __________________ on business.
and nobody else is in for the moment.答案:
40.George is traveling on business,and
nobody else is in for the moment.答案:乔治正
41.[—]— Good morning, can I help you? — ________________答案:I’d like to borrow a
book named Gone With the Wind from your
42.Had you come five minutes earlier, you
____ the train to Beijing. But now you missed
it.答案:would have caught
43.Have you ________ to say to me?答案:
anything else
44.He can ______________ good English.答案:
45.He __________________ comes by bus答案:
46.He has been looking forward to _____ to
England for a long time.答案:going
47.He has learned English and German. Now he
is going to learn _____________ language.答
48.[-]- Hello. Could I speak to Mike?
– _________________I’ ll get him to phone.答
案:Hold the line, please.
49.[—]— Hello, I’d like to speak to Phil. — He’s out to lunch now. _________________答
案:Would you mind calling back later?
50.[—]— Hello, I’m David Chen. Nice to meet
you. — .答案:Nice to meet
you too.
51.[-]- Hello, I’m Harry Thomas.
– Hello, my name is Charles Green,
but______________答案:call me Charles,
52.[—]— Hello. Sky Travel Agency. May I
help you? —答案:Yes, I’d like to make reservations to
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Beijing on the flight ZH8147 at 6:00 pm on
December 19th.
53.[-]- Hello, This is Yang Lin speaking.
– _________________答案:This is Carol here.
54.[—]— Hello, Yang Lin speaking. — ________________答案:This is Carol here.
55.Hello,everyone.I’d like to
__________________ our new secretary to
you,Melinda Smith.答案:introduce
56.Hello, everyone. I’d like to to
you our new secretary, Melinda Smith.答案:
57.[-]- Hello, may I speak to Mike?
– __________________May I ask who is calling?
答案:This is Mike speaking
58.[—]— Hello, this is John speaking.
Could I speak to Mike? —答案:Hold the line, please.
59.He ____ lunch in the canteen right now.答
案:is having
60.He published the journal ________________
from 1990 to 2020.答案:annually
61.He said this would _______________
companies from creating new jobs.答案:
62.He suggested the sports meet be
__________________ because of the bad
weather.答案:put off
63.He was too tired to say a word and went
to bed at once.答案:他太累了,一句话也没说
64.[—]— Hey, Derek, which do you think is
harder to learn, marketing or designing? —答案:Personally, I think designing is
more difficult.
65.[—]— Hey, You look so pale. What’s
wrong? — ________________答案:I didn’t sleep well
last night.
66.[-]- Hi,I’m Melinda Smith, nice to meet
you all here.
– ___________________答案:Nice to meet you,
67.[—]— Hi, I’m Melinda Smith, the new
secretary. Nice to meet you here. — Hi, I’m Mike Brown from the Training
Center.答案:I hope you’ll be happy working
68.[-]- Hi, Melinda. Can I make a brief
introduction of the office work to you?
– _____________________答案:Thank you!
It’s very kind of you.
69.How do I _______ the gym?答案:get to
70.How do l __________________ the gym?答
案:get to
71.How long have you been working here?答
72.I______________a good film on TV at the
moment.答案:am watching
73.[—]— I’d like to apply for a library
card. —答案:Fill out the application form first,
74.I’d like to book a table for ten under
the name of Jordan __________ 7 p.m.
_____________ December 24th.答案:at, on
75.[—]— I’d like to invite you for dinner
on Saturday. —答案:Thank you for your kind invitation.
I’ll be there on time.
76.I’d love to have a break, but I can’t
_______________ the time now.答案:spare
77.I don’t know when______________the
dictionary.答案:he borrowed
78.If everything is going on well, just
keep on following the plan.答案:如果一切顺
79.If there are changes, don’t forget _____
the related persons know.答案:to let
80.If unexpected events stop you from
finishing your tasks, you should change
your plan.答案:如果意想不到的事情妨碍你完
81.If you have any questions here, please
tell us. We’ll all be to help you. 答案:ready
82.I have an English class a week.
答案:three times
83.I have been looking forward to
from my parents.答案:hearing
84.I heard Lily _________ the song once.答
85.I like the working atmosphere here.It’s
very .答案:friendly
86.I like the working _________ here.答案:
87.I’ll make a list of all the documents on
this file ______ make it more clearly.答
案:in order to
88.I’ ll show you around and introduce you
to other colleagues.答案:我带你四处转转,
89.I’m a deputy manager. I ________ an IT
company.答案:work for
90.I’m afraid I won’t be available then. I
______ a friend off at five this afternoon. 答案:will be seeing
— I’m afraid not. But I’ll be free this
afternoon.答案:Can you spare me a few
minutes now?
92.I’m calling for the arrangement of the
visit next month.答案:我打电话是想咨询下个
93.I’m looking forward to together
with you.答案:working
94.I’ m looking forward to _________ you.答
案:being seen
— I’m not sure what I’ll do. I hope to
watch TV and enjoy myself.答案:What are
your plans for summer vacation?
96.I’m ______________ to do anything at
your word.答案:ready
97.[“]“Isn’t it impolite to call people
by their first names?” The underlined word
is of the same word class as .答
98.[“]“Isn’t it impolite to call people
by their first names?” The underlined word
is of the same word class(词性)as_______.
99.I think is impolite to call
people by their first names.答案:it
100.It is better to do something right the
first time than have to do it again.答案:最
101.It is very important for us to find a
______________ between work life and home
102.It may be helpful to set your watch just
two minutes ________________ ?答案:ahead
103.It’s high time that he settled down in
the country and ______ a new life.答案:
— It’s lovely. I have never been to such
beautiful place like that.答案:How about
your trip?
— It’s my pleasure.答案:Would you please
fax the document for me?
106.[—]— It’s rather cold in here. Do you
mind if I close the window? — ________________答案:No, go ahead.
— It takes about 3 hours .答案:How long
will the journey take ?
108.It was on the beach ______ Miss White
found the kid lying dead.答案:that
109.It will take us _____________ hour to get
110.I usually go to the office ________ train. 答案:by
— I’ve called the maintenance worker.答案:
This copier needs repairing.
112.[—]— I’ve got the system running, but I
can’t open my file. —答案:Let me see if I can get it to work.
113.I want to know when he is leaving for New
York tomorrow.答案:我想知道他明天什么时候动
114.I was just wondering if I could come to
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your office and discuss the plan.答案:我想
115.I will give you _________ to finish it. 答案:two weeks’ time
116.[—]— I would like to make an
appointment for the meeting. Which day would
you prefer, Tuesday or Thursday? — _________________答案:Well, either time
will do.
117.Jack _________ to see you. He’ll be here
soon.答案:is coming
118.Keeping eye contact makes the other
person welcome and comfortable.答
119.List information for any meetings you
are going to attend.答案:列出你要参加的会议
120.Mary has been a secretary in this
company ______she graduated from Beijing
121.[-]- May I see your tickets, please?
– ________________________答案:Sure
122.[—]— May I speak to Tom? — I’m sorry. He isn’t in the office now. —
— Yes, of course.答案:Can I leave a
123.[—]— May I use your bike for a moment? — .答案:By all means.
124.Mike ______ his colleagues when the
phone rang.答案:was talking with
125.[—]— Mom, must I finish my homework
now? — No, you ______. You may have supper first. 答案:needn’t
126.Most tour companies ______ advance
payment when a booking is made.答案:insist
127.Mr. White ______ short stories, but he
______ a TV play these days.答案:writes, is
128.Mr White writes short stories. but he
__________________ a TV play these days答
案:is writing
129.[—]— ? — My mother is retired. My father is a
manager.答案:What do your parents do.
130.Neither John ________ his father was
able to wake up early enough to catch the
morning train.答案:nor
131.New York University has forty-eight
thousand students.答案:纽约大学有学生四万
— Nothing much.答案:What’s up?
133.[-]- __________________?
– Nothing much.答案:What’s up
134.Nowadays office work can be done by
hand ______ very fast speed.答案:at
135.Of course, it has special meaning for
people like me.答案:当然,它对我这样的人具
136.Once you’ve set a specific timeline,
the next step is to take daily action and
do your own part.答案:一旦你已经设置了具体
137.On our ____________ we were told that
our rooms had not been reserved.答案:
138.On their arrival, you should pay
attention to the following points.答案:在
139.On their arrival, you should ______the
following points.答案:pay attention to
140.People here usually each other
by their first names instead of family
141.People need to file documents that are
sent to or received from by other people or
— Please accept my sincere regrets for not
being able to join you.答案:I’m just
wondering if you could come to join us.
— Please call me Mary. That’s my first
name.答案:How shall I address you?
144.[—]— Please give me a hand to print
out the report, won’t you? — ________________答案:Of course I will.
145.Please hand __________ your homework in
146.Please pay __________ to what was
discussed yesterday.答案:attention
147.Please see the suggestions below to
______ that your files are not lost.答案:
make sure
148.Professor Smith promised to look
_________ my paper, that is, to read it
149.Professor Smith promised to look ______
my paper, that is, to read it carefully
before the defense.答案:over
150.Professor Smith promised to
look______________my paper, that is, to
read it quickly before the defence.答案:
151.[—]— Sally, , Mary
Brown. — Nice to meet you. I’m Sally Johnson, the
Sales Manager.答案:this is our new
152.[-]- Sally,__________, Mary Brown.
– Nice to meet you. I’m Sally Johnson, the
Sales Manager.答案:this is our new
153.Scientists have made great
contributions development of our
human beings.答案:to
154.See the bottom of this page for details
of how to apply __________ this job.答案:
155.She doesn’t have the funds to
_____________ her design.答案:carry out
156.She feel very tired and was glad to
him.答案:lean on
157.She feel very tired and was glad to
_______ him.答案:lean on
158.She hasn’t the funds to her design. 答案:carry out
159.She kept on ______ although she was
160.She wants a job where ______ .答案:her
management skills can be put to good use
161.Shirley __________________ a book about
China last year but I don’t know whether she
has finished it.答案:was writing
162.Since we all want to set a good first
impression, it is important to know the right
shaking hands manners.答案:既然我们都想给别
163.Smile a lot and be as friendly as
possible to everyone you meet.答案:多微笑,
164.Smile a lot and be friendly as
possible to everyone you meet.答案:as
165.Such office software is popular ______
the executive secretaries .答案:with
166.Thanks to our hard work, we can fulfil
the task on time.答案:因为努力工作,我们才能
167.[-]- Thank you for inviting me.
-______________答案:Thank you for coming.
168.The Foreign Language Department is on
_____ second floor.答案:the
169.The Two parties made it clear that they
would not _____ the invitation unless the
Centre reduced its tax component.答案:accept
170.The book______________n English.答案:is
171.The bus came after they _______________
for about half an hour.答案:had been waiting
172.The company hosted a ______ for their new
173.The environmentalists and wild goats’
______ on the vast grasslands was a good
indication of the better environment.答案:
174.The less clear you are about what you
want to do, the less effective your plan will
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175.The manager will not ____________ us to
use his car.答案:allow
176.The next train __________ the station at
ll o’clock.答案:leaves
177.The question never ______ in discussion. 答案:came up
— The round-trip air fare for a person is
only $188.答案:What is the exact air fare?
179.The secretary has a lot of things to
take up in the office since she ______ away
for quite a few days.答案:has been
180.The teacher showed the students _____
the laboratory.答案:around
181.The work was done her
instructions.答案:according to
182.They didn’t arrest him in the
shop,______________?答案:did they
183.They were successful ______ a
communication satellite.答案:in launching
184.This book gives some useful
_____________ on how to save money.答案:
185.[—]— This is Melinda speaking from
Qiaoxiang Community Service
Center. …here will be some visits to our
community library and learning center.答案:
I’m calling for the arrangement of the visit
next Monday.
186.This is true of management ______ of
workers.答案:as well as
187.This makes our volunteers know we are
grateful to them for what they have done.答
188.Those who’d like to visit the exhibition
sign your name here.答案:想去参观展览的人请
189.Through the work plan, the team leader
is able to ______ the tasks at … for
completion, and the responsible parties for
effective management.答案:identify
190.To ___________ the ice, after
introduction, you can ask about their
191.Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself
at least 7 hours’ sleep.答案:试着早点睡,
192.[—]— Unbelievable! I have failed the
driving test again! — _________________This is not the end of
the world.答案:Cheer up!
193.We have to at the hotel before 6
pm.答案:check in
194.[—]— We’ll have a charity book sale
together with Menglin Publishing Hous… — Yes. I think the Music Square is large
enough.答案:Could you give any suggestion
on the location?
195.We shall be flying to South America
this time next month.答案:个月的今天我们将
196.We will be flying to South America this
time next month.答案:下个月的这个时候我们
197.[-]- What color would you like?
– __________________答案:I want the green
198.[-]- What is your job? - I’m ____________ accountant.答案:an
199.[-]- What time does the office open?
– _________________________答案:I think it
opens at 8.
200.When will the General Manager
be ?答案:available
201.Whether long or short,documents can be
sent in seconds.答案:无论内容是长是短,在
202.[-]- Who’s that speaking?
-______________答案:This is Tim speaking.
203.[-]- Why don’t you come and join us for
a dance?
– ___________________________答案:I can’t,
but thank you
204.Will this be a one- way trip?答案:您
205.[—]— Will you show me how to use this
software? —答案:Sure. You’ll master it in no time.
206.With his work completed, the manager
stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased
______ he was a man of action.答案:that
207.Within the team, a work plan can tell
each member what ______ and why.答案:has
been done
208.Within the team, a work plan can tell
each member what is being _____________ and
209.Workers in this factory are required to
clock in and out.答案:这个工厂要求工人上下
210.[-]- Would you like to go to the
concert with us this evening?
– ___________________________答案:I’d love
to, but I’m busy tonight.
211.[—]— Would you mind helping me for a
minute, Barbara? — _________________What do you want me to
do?答案:I’d be glad to.
212.[—]— Wow, this place is amazing. — ________________答案:Thank you.
213.Years ago, zoos kept all kinds of
animals in small cages.答案:多年以前,动物
214.You can pick a specific time and place
and ask them ______ they want to go.答案:
215.You can pick a specific time and place
and ask them __________________ they want
to go.答案:if
216.You have more apples than _____ do. But
_____ are better than yours.答案:we, ours
217.You have more apples than ____ do. But
________ are better than yours.答案:we,
218.You need to put the things which are
similar together in a folder.答案:你需要把
219.Your goal is to publish a book and have
_____ manuscript sent out to publishers by
November 2016.答案:the
220.Your goal is to publish a book and have
________ manuscript(手稿)sent out to
publishers by November 2016.答案:the
221.Your life has changed and you will get
used to it.答案:你的生活已经发生了变化,你要
222.You’ve caught a cold. You’d better
__________________ to school答案:not go
223.[_]______, after introduction, you can
ask about their journey.答案:To break the
224.[_]_______________ eye contact is very
important in western culture.答案:Keeping
225.[_]______ has not yet been decided.答案:
When to hold the meeting
226.[-]- lt’s rather cold in here. Do you
mind if l close the window?
– __________________答案:No, go ahead
227.[_]_______________ means to do what you
should do ________________.答案:To be
punctual, off time
228.[_]______ means to do what you should do
on time.答案:To be punctual
229.[_]__________________me carefully, Can
you__________________答案:Listen to…hear
230.[_]__________________ the children to bed.
she began to correct the students exercises答
案:Having sent
231.[_]______the paperless management is
widely used now, some important files are
still kept as hard copies.答案:Although
232.[_]________________ these honors he
received a sum of money.答案:Besides
233.[_]__________________ useful book it is!
答案:What a
234.[_]________ wine do you need for the
party?答案:How much
235.[_]______you deal with the data files,
the more familiar you get with them.答案:The
236.[_]___________________ you get along with
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your neighbours, the more familiar you get
with them.答案:The more
237.your plan and don’t stop until it is
finished.答案:Follow 复合题(16)
1.A letter of invitation is writ…
2.As more workers have their own…
3.Hi, Xiaoyan,You want to know a…
4.How often should filing be don…
5.How often should filing be don…
6.If you thought handshakes were…
7.If you thought handshakes were…
8.Meetings are very common nowad…
9.There are different pieces of…
10.There are different pieces of…
1.A letter of invitation is written to
invite people for a business even…details
of a contact person to confirm their
attendance for the event.
1.What does the passage tell us?答案:How to
write an invitation letter?
2.What kind of tone should be used to write
an invitation letter?答案:Soft and polite.
3.What should be included in an invitation
letter?答案:Date, time and the event.
4.How long is an invitation letter sent
appropriatley according to the passage?答
案:At least a week in advance.
5.The reason why we should send an
invitation letter in advance is
_____________.答案:the receiver will need
to plan to come to the event
2.As more workers have their own personal
computers at work, e-mails are…ides, it
is relatively inexpensive in the long run
and it saves paper.
1.Email messages are written, sent, and
usually read on a piece of paper.答案:F
2.Messages can be received in different
3.The e-mail can be stored in an e—mail
4.You can,t attach documents from other
software programs.答案:F
5.Email can improve work efficiency, but it
is expensive.答案:F
3.Hi, Xiaoyan,You want to know about my gym.
The gym is “New You”. The…s. You can
pay by cash, credit card or cheque.
See you there?Jane
1.When can you go to aerobics class in”New
You?答案:On Saturday evening.
2.When does the Tai Chi class start?答案:
At 2:00 p.m.on Wednesday and Saturday.
3.What is free in the gym?答案:Cosmetics
4.Why is the evening the best time to go to
the gym”New You”?答案:Because there are a
lot of trainers to help you.
5.How can you pay for the class?答案:By
credit card or cash.
4.How often should filing be done?It
depends on how busy the office is.I…nts
can be letters, reports, financial records,
policy documents, etc.
1.Filing should be done every day in each
2.It is necessary to do fiing no less than
once every week in a small office答案:T
3.Only big instruments are useful in
sorting out files答案:F
4.lf you need always read the documents,
you can put them into lever arch files答
5.The company’s annual reports usually need
to be filed答案:T
5.How often should filing be done?It
depends on how busy the office is.I…nts
can be letters, reports, financial records,
policy documents, etc.
1.Filing should be done every day in each
2.It is necessary to do fiing no less than
once every week in a small office答案:T
3.Only big instruments are useful in
sorting out files答案:F
4.lf you need always read the documents,
you can put them into lever arch files答
5.The company’s annual reports usually need
to be filed答案:T
6.If you thought handshakes were just a
gesture of greeting, then think … Just
grasp the person’s hand completely and do
not press it too hard.
1.Which of the following statements about
the significance of handshakes is not
true?答案:Handshakes are just a gesture
of greeting.
2.If you are seated when someone comes for
a handshake, you should.答案:stand up and
shake his or her hand
3.Keeping eye contact while shaking hands
makes the other person feel.答案:
4.How long does a handshake usually last?
答案:2-3 seconds.
5.Which of the following words can best
describe a proper handshake?答案:brief
and firm
7.If you thought handshakes were just a
gesture of greeting, then think …? Just
grasp the person’s hand completely and do
no press it too hard.
1.The best title for this passage would
be_____________.答案:Shaking Hands Manners
2.According to the passage, which of
following statements is True?答案:It is
important to know the right shaking hands
3.Which is the proper way to shake hands?答
案:When someone comes for a handshake, you
should stand up.
4.One’s handshake should show a feeling
of_______________.答案:strength and warmth
5.How brief should a handshake be?答案:Let
go of each other’s hand after 2-3 seconds.
8.Meetings are very common nowadays. They can
be weekly, monthly or annu… minutes within
a few days, while everyone still remembers
the points.
1.Most meetings are sometimes thought to be
_______________.答案:killing time and
2.In order to have a successful meeting, the
organizer should ____________ first.答案:
assign different roles to different people
3.When you are in charge of a meeting, you
should do the following things
EXCEPT____________.答案:only discussing
things listed on the agenda
4.Which of the following statements is TRUE
according to. the passage?答案:The
organizer should be open to the participants’
5.The best title for the passage is _______. 答案:How to Run an Effective Meeting
9.There are different pieces of software to
deal with electronic files. …use people
sometimes may need to sign their names in the “hard copies”
1.What do people do by using Word 2010?答
案:process text.
2.Which is the best software to deal with
data according to the passage?答案:Excel
3.What is the aim of using different
software?答案:To improve the effectiveness
of work.
4.Which of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the passage?答案:All of
the documents are kept in the electronic form.
5.What does the phrase”hard copies”mean?答
6 / 6
案:It means the documents in the form of
10.There are different pieces of software to
deal with electronic files. …use people
sometimes may need to sign their names in
the “hard copies”
1.What is the most popular software so far
to deal with electronic files?答案:
Microsoft Office 2010
2.What do people use to process data
sccording to the passage?答案:Excel 2010
3.Can Microsoft Office 2010 be used to
process text?答案:Yes
4.Are all documents kept as electronic files?
5.Why sre some importsnt documents kept as “hard coples”?答案:Because people want
to leave their namesin the copies
Do you seem to be l…k with others who
are early, and that will make you happy
before work!
1.Being punctual has nothing to do with
personal success.答案:F
2.It is unnecessary to set your watch two
minutes ahead.答案:F
3.You’d better place your alarm clock beside
your bed so that you can turn it off at once. 答案:T
4.You’d better place your alarm clock beside
your bed so that you can turn it off at once. 答案:T
5.This passage is mainly about the
importance of being punctual答案:F
Do you seem to be l…k with others who
are early, and that will make you happy
before work!
1.Being punctual is very important for one’s
2.It is perhaps useful to set your watch
just two minutes ahead.答案:T
3.Try sleeping earlier to allow yourself no
more than 7 hours’ sleep.答案:F
4.Being a punctual person, one should
insist on being 15 minutes late for
5.To be punctual means that one should do
everything on time.答案:T
Do you, sometimes, ne…s. If there are
changes, don’t forget to let the related
persons know.
1.When making introductions, you should
introduce the visitor in your organization
first according to the passage.答案:F
2.The introduction is usually followed by a
brief and firm handshake.答案:T
3.It is not friendly to ask about the
visitor’s journey.答案:F
4.If you want to be more friendly and
helpful, you’d better help carry the
5.You should discuss the schedule with the
visitors before they’ ve settled down.答
Hi, Xiaoyan,You want …s. You can pay by
cash, credit card or cheque.
See you there?Jane
1.A yoga class is arranged on Tuesday
2.There are lots of bicycles in the gym.答
3.The best time to go to the gym is in the
4.There are many trainers in the evening.答
5.You can only pay by cash if you want to
attend the classes.答案:F
In Britain people u…some money for the
medicine, but you don’t have to pay the
full price.
1.In the U. K. people usually have a
doctor far away from their home.答案:F
2.British families often register with the
different doctors.答案:F
3.Doctors often work together in groups in
their own Doctor’s Surgery.答案:T
4.Doctors make up the medicine for the
5.British people usually have to pay for
their prescription at the chemist’s.答案:T
Introduce Yourself on…e and an open mind.
Your life has changed and you will get used
to it.
1.Nobody expects you to know everything on
the first day at work.答案:T
2.You’re new, so you shouldn’t ask any
3.You should be friendly to both your coworkers and the leaders.答案:T
4.It’s not polite to learn about the
interests of your co- workers答案:F
5.You can leave your office as quickly as
you can at the end of the day.答案:F

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