

This paper consists of four data based questions,of which ceandidates may atempt any THREE. Hong Kong in the first half of the 20″century


Study Sources A and B


The following is adapted from a poster of a Hong Kong department store in the 1910s



Importers and Exporters


Our company selects our own Western

goods,food and

school supplies from all around the world. We take orders for

Chinese and

Western clothes,

men’s and women’s

leather shoes,

Shanghai boots and shoes.All of these are fine products

available for

wholesale at a


reasonable price.


ght R

ong Kong

Rc Centra


Ware,Sewing Machines,Glas

China,Rattan Ware,Jewellery,

Watches &Clocks,Furniture,Tobac


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The following two extracts are adapted from a history book.

Extract l is about the development of the Hong Kong banking industry from the early 20 century to the 1930s.

Banks have been established by the Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong since the early 20 century. The first one was the Bank of Canton,founded by overseas Chinese returning from the US,in 1912. Soon afer,the Bank of East Asia was set up by Hong Kong businessmen in 1918.Banks registered by the Chinese businessmen in the mainland or Southeast Asia also came to Hong Kong one after the other to set up business.On the eve of the Second World War,the number of Chinese and foreign banks established in Hong Kong reached 30.The initial purpose of the establishment of foreign banks was to assist foreign merchants in opening up trade with China,whereas the banks established by Chinese businessmen focused more on local investment and the deposit and lending business.

Extract 2 is about the development of the Hong Kong film industry from the late 1920s to 1941.

Starting from the late 1920s,the film industry began to prosper in China.Chinese film companies successively established studios in Hong Kong for film production.For example,a film company from Shanghai set up the United Photoplay Service Limited with a production studio in Hong Kong in 1930. At that time,many Cantonese films produced in Hong Kong were remade or adapted from famous films in Shanghai.The impact of the Shanghai films on Hong Kong could thus be seen.Afterwards,in the face of the Japanese invasion of China,the Hong Kong film makers demonstrated their spirit of solidarity in confronting the national crisis.For instance,Cai Chu-sheng produced the ‘Orphan Island Paradise’in Hong Kong in 1939.This was a film describing the heroic story of the people’s heroes against the traitors in the orphaned land of Shanghai.With the fall of Hong Kong in December 1941, film production in HongKong was interrupted.「




With reference to Source A,identify and explain one feature of the Hong Kong economy in the

early 20 century. (3 marks)

Infer from Source B the relations between Hong Kong and the mainland in the 1930s.Cite two clues,one from Extract 1 and one from Extract 2 of Source B to support your answer. (4 marks)

How useful are Sources A and B in reflecting the economic development of Hong Kong in the

period 1900-41?Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B and using your own

knowledge. (8 marks)

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China in the second half of the 20’century


Study Sources C and D.


Photo I shows a signboard hanging ceremony held by an enterprise in Tianjin in the mid-1950s

Tianjin City State-Private Enterprise Sheng Xi Fu Hat Factory

Photo 2 shows an opening ceremony held in Shenzhen in 1991.


黑 可 能 的 。


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The following is adapted from a report on an interview conducted with Li Chuan-fang,a former Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen.In the interview,Li Chuan-fang traced the origin of the ‘Shenzhen Speed’in the 1980s.

The‘Shenzhen Speed’was a great achievement for Shenzhen in the early Reform and Opening-up period and was closely linked with the construction of the Guomao Building (also known as Shenzhen International Trade Centre Building).In the early 1980s,the Shenzhen Municipal Government made the decision to construct the Guomao Building with 50 storeys above-ground,3 storeys below-ground and

the top floor for the landing of helicopters.This 53-storey building was the tallest one in the mainland at

that time.It shows the Shenzhen people’s spirit of being daring to think,act and lead.

Like all other construction works,the Shenzhen Municipal Government requested tenders to confirm the contractors.China Construction Third Engineering Bureau won the bid for two reasons.Firstly,it had built up its reputation after taking part in the construction of the Shenzhen People’s Hospital. Secondly,it put forth the adoption of the most advanced technique of slip forming in the world,thus reducing greatly the time for construction.Through repeated trials since the commencement of the construction in May 1982,the success in the trial of the technique of slip forming was achieved.This doubled our efficiency immediately:from the speed of building a storey every 15 days to a storey every 7 days.When the construction reached the 30 storey,we finally achieved the speed of the building of a storey every 3 days —It was the birth of the Shenzhen Speed’.In September 1984,the construction of the Guomao Building was basically completed.

Besides the entrepreneurial passion,innovation is our magic key to enhancing our efficiency.The implemented works in Shenzhen introduced a new wage system for the workers.The system practised piece-rate wage payment.Workers could work harder to earn more.The most productive workers could earn over 600 yuan a month.This was an astronomical figure in the early 1980s!




Identify and explain one difference in the main features of China’s socialist modernisation in the

mid-1950s and earlv reflected respectively in the two photos of Source C. (3 marks)

Infer from Source D two characteristics of the economic development in Shenzhen in the 1980s.

Support your answer with clues in Source D. (4 marks)

What were the factors driving the economic modenisation in China afer 1978?Explain your

answer with reference to Sources C and D and using your own knowledge of the development of

China in the period 1978-2000. (8 marks)



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3. The First World War and its peace settlement

Study Sources E and F.


The following is adapted from the US President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points Speech of 8 January, 1918.

It will be our wish and purpose that the processes of peace shall be absolutely open and that they shall involve no secret understandings.The day of conquest and expansion is gone by;so is also the day of secret agreements entered into in the interest of particular governments and likely at some unexpected moment to upset the peace of the world.It is this happy fact,now clear to the view of everyone whose thoughts do not still stay in an age that is dead and gone,which makes it possible for every nation whose purposes are consistent with justice and the peace of the world to state the objects it has in view.

What we demand in this war,therefore,is nothing unusuai to ourselves.It is that the world be made safe to live in;and particularly that it be made safe for every peace-loving nation which,like our own, wishes to live its own life,determine its own institutions,be assured of justice and fair dealing by the other peoples of the world as against force and selfish aggression.All the peoples of the world are in effect partners in this interest,and for our own part we see very clearly that unless justice be done to others,it will not be done to us.The programme of the world’s peace,therefore,is our programme; and that programme,the only possible programme,as we see it,is the Fourteen Points.

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The following is adapted from a British cartoon published in 1919




With reference to Source E,identify and explain one guiding principle proposed by President

Wilson for the peace settlement after the First World War.

(3 marks)

What,in your opinion,is the main message of the cartoon in Source F?Cite two clues from

Source F to support your answer

(4 marks

The peacemakers aimed to seek revenge on Germany rather than international peace at the Paris Peace Conference.’Do you agree with this statement?Explain your answer with reference to Sources E and F and using your own knowledge (8 marks)

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4 The US-Soviet relations during the Cold War period

Study Sources G and H.


The following is adapted from a newspaper published in the United States in 1959.

Cola Captivates*Soviet Leaders

Praise of ‘Capitalist’Refreshment Held to Be Significant

Not only did this refreshing pause symbolise a

reversal in Communist propaganda,it supported a

conviction that many observers of the Soviet

scene have long held.This conviction is that the

way to do business with Mr.Khrushchev is to let

him see things and taste things at first hand for himself.

For years cola has been a dirty word in the Soviet Union.Not because Russians dislike cola -few

have had a chance to drink it-but because it was

a convenient symbol of post-war America,

particularly in the days when the cola companies

were pushing their product abroad.

‘Very refreshing!’ was Mr.Khrushchev’s

comment after drinking several cups of cola.

Now that Mr.Khrushchev has tasted cola and

demonstrated to his satisfaction that what his subordinate told him was accurate,cola stands may sprout up all over the Soviet Union.

The US Vice President Nixon and the Soviet leader

Mr.Khrushchev were tasting cola together at the

American National Exhibition held in Moscow.

*Captivates:Holds the attention of someone by being extremely attractive.

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The following is adapted from a cartoon published in West Germany in 1962.




According to the report of the US newspaper,what was the attitude of Khrushchev towards the US commercial product mentioned in Source G?Explain your answer with reference to Source G. (3 marks)

Infer from Source H rwo characteristics of Khrushchev’s foreign policies.Support your answer

with clues in Source H (4 marks)

‘The USSR dominated the development of the Cold War in the period 1953-64.’Do you agree with this statement?Explain your answer with reference to Sources G and H and using your own





Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the HKDSE Question Papers booklet published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage.

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Answer any two questions.

1. Analyse the social,economic and cultural roles played by Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific Rim in the period



Assess the significance of the 1911 Revolution and the May Fourth Movement in the modemisation of China in the period 1911-37.

Domestie problems were more important than the drive for foreign expansion in leading to the rise of miliarisn in Japan in the 19308 Do you agree wih his statement?Explain your view with reference to Japan’s development in the period 1918-37.



·The failure of the League of Nations was primarily due to its institurtional wealknesses.’Do you agree with this statement?Explain your view with reference to the historical development in he interwar peniod.

5. Examine the impact of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Community on the

historical development of Europe in the second half of the 20 century.

6. Assess the effectiveness of the efforts made by international organisations to tackle the problems of population and resources in the second half of the 20 century.

7. Select one of the following years,and explain why it could be regarded as a turning point in the 20 century

world history:





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