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Key To Model Test One

Part &                 Writing

Dear Sii/Madam,

As a student 0 I am writing to express mg siews concerning the basic condition of our dining hall. Our diming hdll hsu always been pms/ding ns with satistpcg services and comfortable environment. We appreciate your good work a lot. But I found one small psnbipg that may make your services defective一there are several unstable tables and we always fear ths distes would fall.

To solve the problem, I would recommend fixing the unstable tables as quickly as possible.

I would be glad if my suggestion could be considered and positive changes could take place in this rAard.

Yours sincerely, Wang Feng

Part It     Listening Comprehemsion

Section A

News Report One

(1) Skateboarding took off as % popular pastime for American youngsters in the 1970s. By the 1990s, Tony Hawk was its top competitor. Today, the champion skateboarder has retired from competition, but is involved in the industries from video games and skateboards to apparel, and also actively working with young skateboarders in the inner city.

Hawk, whs is now 41, stys pc seps a difficmS cPild who oumde life hard for his teachers and patopts. (2) But a giit dnao his brothwc whte Pony was S turned his life around. Skateboarding is getting toors mnd stpre nscognitisw. This eeonth, Htwk paid a visit to the White House and demonstrated his skills by skhtsbogrdihg down the hcPwsy of the Execptivs Mansion. That ride shows that sketeboarding c with the help ot They Hdwk g hse gone                                                  .

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

  1. What does this nsws nspet HiuiTly talk about? C) o
  2. TOiekt did Tony Htwk get his first skateboard? B)

News Report Two

Yesterday, we reported on a train accident in that borough of New York City. (3) Four people were killed and more than 60 others were injured when seven cars jumped the tracks. Early Sunday, a throng of rescue workers scoured the frightful scene, one rail card nearly plunging into the river where divers checked for bodies under water. At 7: 20 a. m. , the commuter train carrying 150 passengers on its way to Grand Central Station from Poughkeepsie approached an extremely sharp curve that required a speed limit of 30 miles per hour along the Harlem River, compared to the straightway prior, requiring a speed limit of 70 miles per hour. (4) The train conductor said he tried to apply the brakes, but they didn’t work as all seven cars derailed barreling off the tracks.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

  1. How many people were injured in the accident? B) o
  2. What can we learn from the news item? D) o

I News Report Three |

Official figures released in the United States, the world’s largest economy, (5) show that the income of the average household fell last year and that more emesicaos than ever are living in poverty. Paul Adams cejcorts drum Wrshington. Yet agciv, figures which chow that the economic recovery is not being felt by niochfhr less advantaged sitizevr. (6) ABicen “hoeiicahs end Hispanic cominunities are disproportionately affected, as are the less well-educated, the young and people living in the south. (7) It’s probably ths decline in msdian income, down 2. 3% , that’ll worry politicians most since the battle for ssiddle-class votes will be eitrl if orxt ysao’s presidential election. The figures come just as President Obdisy hits the sosd tiying ts ssl o $ 450 billion jobs package. He faces an uphill struggle. ®nj®;ons 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

  1. What do we know about the American household? B)
  2. Who sre vfSecCed dy the ehunoolte depression according to the news item? D)
  3. Why 的取 the ddclin<c tn tnsdiaii income worry politicians most? B) °

Scctiyh B

Conversation One

So s usd you think of a pcrsoo thdt ysv admiss mostf

Well, t 如嵯 thsf h nnist ds Steven Hawking.

Isn’t he the professor at Cambridge with motor neurone disease?

That’s nght. Hc has spent most of his life fighting the disease. He foond out that he’d got it when he wot s student. He was at the age of only 21 then.

Whet did he do then?

f 8) WeO, he sthpped wtsting 90110. Otd hs started applying himself to his studies. He knew that he risked dying young. bat Or  u ledding corhWncist.

Oh. it sssnis that I kind of heard somsthing obout hiw.

Yes, yot meet have. (9) He wrote a book about universe for the average person. In fact, I r^m^sS^(^t seeing lt on yhus bunk rhetvse.

Do you mean 厶 BK/ History of Time”!

Yes, (9) it wes n seal bestsodss, mosOlp to people who put it on their book shelves and didn’t read it.

M: Oh, how is he doing now?

W: Very well. (10) He’s succeeded iliving far longer than anyone expected him to, and even doctors asserted that he would die in a few years.

M: But what kind of life could he have with such disease like that?

W: He’s managed to lead a fairly normal life. He has married twice and has three children and a grandchild now. I think he needs to use a computer for almost everything now, you know, speaking, writing, even eating.

M: He’s very unlucky, isn’t he?

W: Well, in a way. (11) But he considers himself lucky. You know, despite his disability, he is regarded as one of the greatest minds of our time.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1. What did Hawking do after realizing his serious disease? B) o
  2. What does the woman think of A Brief History of Time? A) o
  3. What can we learn about Hawking’s life? D) o


  1. Why does Hawking consider himself lucky? C)。

Conversation Two

W: Welcome to “Talkline”. I’m your host, Barbara Stone. Our topic today is Internet and we’re going to twlk To cewiputec expert Brain Smith. So, Mr. Smith, (12) when did you get started on the Intetcet?

M: (WW) About ten years ago. I was doing a lot of e-mails and I got started through that really.

W: Well, tell bw more nbout the Internet.

  1. The Intetoet is like tWe biggest receDech tibeory ta the weWd. There are basically three things you cwu use the toteenet for: finding infoometiyy, joining the newsgroups, and chatting online. Atd you use it foe el:?

Not eewHy. j SS) I usn it mostly for looking through universities’ libraries to get some related ibfoAnatidn toe my tesebtch. i chot with my brother in New beck eometimes.

W : You know many people especially the young get addicted to using the Internet. How do you think? Bt : (14) Yeeh, but A seems thA uo ens coo bo yttcactnd by the infosmetion or news online. Mostly they oes plsying online gaKes, which ors elwoys consideoed we ths defect of the Internet, but actually, the eeost ieiporlant ties in the users.

When do you use it? And do you have regular time?

Actually, like a lot of people, I have broadband Internet access. So I can use it anytime, but mostly in the evenings.

I ess. nog ono mere thing, do you have sny tips foe those who are using the Internet?

g ynste S eoblf ssy e few things. (15) Definitely use the broadband Internet access, which is much faster than dial-up access. That’s the first thing. Try to limit your time and do focus on things that are useful to you.

W: Well, thanks for joining us, Mr. Smith.

M: My piecsy]W:

Qnsselhhs e2 to tit are hksch ot Ohe eoYvogshOytI (^tu hnve juet heard.

tC When did Chc mstn get etahegd kt 1Ihe bbtaritet? C )。

”3. .^ut does ”he myn uso the Inteieggt po do? B) °

14:SWiy do some Inteeiiet utere get hdd)cSpd to hkhne hymec accogdlng to the man? C)

  1. I Whet does  ths man  suggesh  tho  110800^1           usees    de?      Aj

,0吊()0 K

Passage One

The health care industry needs more nurses. All areas of the world face a nursing shortage. But the shortage is most severe in developing countries. (16) Many of their nurses leave. They move to more developed nations for better pay, better working conditions and better chances for career development. A World Bank report earlier this year called attention to the problem. (17) For example, developing nations currently have about one nurse for every 1,000 people. The ratio of nurses to population is about ten times higher in the United States and countries in the European Union. John Brown is with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris. He says the nursing shortage also affects industrialized countries. (18) He says there are concerns in most developed countries that the number of nurses is too small to respond to the demand. And what is more worrying is that their concerns are sort of growing. He also says a large number of nurses are expected to retire within the next ten years. At the same time, the health care needs of aging populations are expected to grow, intensifying the shortage of nurses. In May, the World Health Organization approved a global rule on the 四级-3


international recruitment of he$th workers. (19) The rule advises against actively recruiting health workers from developing countries that face severe shortages. The WHO also says that the world also faces)shortage of nursing trainers. As a result, nursing schools are forced to turn away qualified students.

ejunctiens 16 8( 19 are 3″)^. on the passage you have just heard.

  1. Why do msey rnieser leaoo devsleping rougtsieo? D) D
  2. What can we learn from the World Bank report? A) o
  3. Whad are the developed countriei faced wttdO C) n
  4. What kind nf coectriec roe wneblw to offer intrenctirool health wrrkers? B)

Passage Two

Sports fries cl( over the wotld eecogcizc the name of Michael Joedaw. From Thailand to Tennessee, kids weor clothes roWd (Of picture on ihens. And Air Jerdro wthlcdc shoes all reflect the fame of this supsreiwo Michoei goffdn 0os becooie the oiosr fofeour eWfactiok it ike world’s favorite sport. (20) Michce] Jowdro wns brtn in ]963 in Bcooklyw, New York. Ao a little boy. Michael was not like a future sdpeidtve. He wcs 0^10^^ and did not like to ta^k with other people about himself. He was also very srert. He showed little pseigirr aS hnriug a detune career in basketball. When he tried out for the Oushyrn ^^nm in high rchool f Michael didn’t make it. The next year, however, after a growth spurt, he nude the teeg? The rest is Jiistory. Michael’s road to fame began at the University of North Carolina. (21) He used his quickness and strength to reach the basket again and again, and because of this, he became very famous. Basketball fans fsum all over the world began to take notice. (22) Oee reporter wrote that when Michoei went op to shoot the basket, it looked like hc could fly. That’s why he was given the Eckname “Air Jordan.”

Quoetiono 20 tn22 ceo based oe the poseage you hcer just heard.

  1. WnhIi ^#1 whore was hCichnel Jvrdjw dkrn^ B)
  2. What do we 1ocoY e^hdcf Michcoi Jd9doh? D)
  3. is Michkei Jvodoy celled ”jfir e^bi^idc.nt9 B)(

Prescgb Thdoe J

Today wc           t a question foie it 彪恍^!”id CowwbiA John Mdeeson wants to know the costs

rS udds]dhadubte okd crhdhdte study in the Auiied htotes. Weld, the fiect thiog to know is that prices are diWeseni 96OiCL rchro) to school. U]0vyts cckeger end wWkersCios generally cost more than public ones. (23) hnother tUiog to keep te reind is thet eet elt students pay a school’s “published price. ” Financial oid end schelnrsliipc oiey heducc the cost. Htte ere a few numbers for this school year from the College Board organization. (24) The average “published price” for undergraduate study at a four-year public college was about $ 7,000. That was for students from “in state. ” Students from other states as well as international students paid an average of more than $18,000. This is the bad news—international students often have to pay the highest prices. And these averages were only for tuition and fees. Food, housing, books and supplies can add 10 to 12 thousand dollars a year. Many students save money by starting their education at a two-year public college, also known as a community college. The average tuition this year was about $ 2,500. (25) Costs for graduate study in the United States also differ from school to school, and even from program to program. Here too, public universities charge more for out- of-state tuition. American students often have to take out loans to help pay for their education. President Obama recently signed into law a bill that changes the student loan system.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  1. What can a student do to reduce schooFs upublished pricen? B) o


  1. What can we learn about the (published price)for undergraduates? D) %
  2. d, we leam about the gos* oC83′1sLu’#? @) %

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A


对于谁消费更高的问题,无论是富翁还是富婆,都会说对方花钱更多。事实或许是仁者见仁,智者见 智。文章通过对女性富豪的调查,表明女性并不是花钱更多的,她们有自己的花钱习惯,至于在高端花销 方面的情况就不得而知了。


  1. H)。详解 数词one后缺少一个名词。根据首段第一句中a gathering of wealthy male investors


  1. L)。—详解 名词 measure   前缺少一个形容词。联系后文       Both  wilsay the   other in   the         bigger

spender.可知,在富人堆里,无论是男性还是女性,都会说对方花钱更多。由此可知,目前并没有 可靠的方法来评断富人堆里谁花钱更多,故reliable与之相符。原文重在强调没有有效的判定方 法,而不是没有有价值的判定方法,故排除valuable %

  1. G)。 详解名词短语their money前缺少一个动词。由原文可知,这里表述的是被调查者的财产来

源。a quarter got p from their husPands表明,被调查者的财产部分来自于她们的丈夫,即应为 “继承”得来,故inherted与之相符。

  1. M)。 详解be动词&后缺少一个‘词。根据原文可知,文中阐释的这项调查的结果与其他对富有

女性的调查结果基本相符。rughly有“大体上,大致上”之意,故与题意相符。原文中提到的调 查结果都是很清楚的,所以将不同调查结果进行比较时,其结论应是一目了然的,而不是不确定 的,故排除potentially%此外,要注意in line with为固定搭配,意为”与一致”。

  1. N)。 详解 定冠词the后缺少一个名词。联系前文中a quarter got it from their husbands and the

other quarter earned n themselves可知这部分主要在阐述被调查者财产的来源故sources为 本题答案。conditions用在这里不及sources明确、具体,故排除。

  1. C)。■详解名词短语ai the women后缺少一个动词。由原文可知,谈到支出问题时,几乎所有女性

都说自己的支出习惯是“量入为出)。descrine as为固定搭配,意为“把……描述成”,故descrined 与之相符。displayed虽可与as连用,但不是固定搭配,而且意为“显示为……”,故排除。

  1. E)。 详解名词weaUh前缺少一个形容词。联系前后文可知,这项调查的调查对象是女性富人,

因此都是拥有大量财富的?。她们之所以说自己的支出习惯是“量入为出”,可能是因为她们并 不认为自己的极大财富就是成功的全部意义所在。由此,空格处应填入表示“财富量大的”词语, 故extreme与之相符。valuable(有价值的”与原文不符,且通常不用来修饰weaUh 一词,故 排除。

  1. B)% 详解 介词as后缺少一个形容词。联系前文可知,按照调查中一位女士的说法,女性往往没

有男性花钱多,也不会四处宣扬自己。由此可知,这位女士花钱是谨慎的,她的支出应该是保守 型的,故conservative为本题答案。

  1. F)% 详解 代词that前缺少一个动词。由原文可知,空格所在句是对前文内容的进一步说明。由

于买大件的主意都是由女性来定,所以这就暗示了她们要经常花钱买大件,故空格处缺少表示 “暗示的词,implies与之相符。做决定对于实际行动应该是一种“暗示”,而不是“预示”,故排 除 predicts %

  1. K)。 详解形容词other后缺少一个名词。联系前文可知,买大件的主意都是由女性来定;对于真

正的大件,夫妇两人又可能会一起做决定。而后文的high-end spending表明,还有高端花销的 问题,所以空格处要表达的是其他“购买行为”,故purchases为本题答案。



Section B


本文主要针对目前人们过度上网现象以及给人们生活所带来的一系列影响进行讨论,并通过具体实 例讲述了那些挣扎于网络过度依赖性的人们的感受,分析了网瘾造成的危害以及一些心理痙状。


  1. I)。 定位 由题干中的 Andrew Heidrich 和 gaming addiction 定位到 I)段)句:Heidrich now

visits websites that discuss gaming addiction regularly ( to remind myself to keep my love for online games in check.)

详解 定位句中的不定式结构用来表述目的,即“以提醒自己控制对网游的痴迷”。由此可知, 他浏览这些网站的目的是控制自己玩游戏的欲望。题干中的curb 一词,意为“抑制,束缚”,是对 原文keep… in check的同义转述,故为答案

  1. G)。 定位 由题干中的      strggle    定位到  G)段首句:People who  strggle    with  excessive         Internet

use may be depressed or have other mood disorberr,Orzack said.

详解由定位句中Orzack的话可知,这里讲述了那些挣扎于网络过度依赖性的人们的感受: 那些竭力避免过度使用电脑的人会消沉或者出现其他情绪紊乱的现象。因此,题干与定位句一 致。G)为答案。

  1. F)。 定位 由题干中的 psychological symptoms 定位到 F)段中间:The website for OrzackX

center lists the following among the psychological symptoms of computer addiction… Feeling empty,depressed or initable when not at the computer.

详解由定位句可知,这里讲述了网瘾的一系列心理症状,其中,不上网会感到空虚沮丧是一 种症状,题干中的Hollowness是对empty的同义替换。故F)为答案。

  1. E)。 定位 由题干中的 family relationships 定位到 E)段)句:If it’s a loss where youXe not

getting th workand family relationships are breaking down as a resultthen it’s too much.

详解由定位段可知,Maressa Orzack认为评价网络过度使用的标准是“由于上网带来的损 失”,并举例说明,即“如果上网带来的后果是你不去工作,并导致家庭关系开始破裂,那就是过度 了。”选项E)是对该句的同义转述。

  1. B)。定位 由题干中the defnition of excessive Internet use可知本题考查对网络的”过度使用”

的定义,故定位到 B)段第三句:There’s still no consensus on how much time online constitutes too much or whether addiction io possible.

详解 该段表达了作者对网络过度使用的看法:这并不是新鲜事,但是人们尚未对网瘾达成共 识。题干中的reach agreement是对定位句中consensus的同义转述。

  1. C)。 定位 由题干中的 Jonathan Bishop 可定位到 C)段:Bishop desckPes the problem as simply

a matter of pkokties,which can be solved by encouraging people to pkoktize other life goalo and plans in place of time spent online.

详解由定位句的定语从句可知,在Jonathan Bishop看来,解决对网络的过度使用问题可以 通过“鼓励人们重视其他的生活目标和计划,而不是把花时间上网放在首位”来解决。题干是对 C)的同义转述。

  1. A)。 定位 由题干中的 Carlo Toebe 定位 A)段第三句:…but it tooknear-constant complainto

from her four daughter before she realized she had a problem.

详解文章A)末尾中间列举了 Carla Toebe因过度上网造成的一些问题,但“当她的四个女 儿不停地抱怨时,她才意识到自己问题的严重性”。题干中的repeated complaints是对原文 near-constant complainto 的同 义转述。

  1. J)。定位 由题干中的 excessive Internet use 和 Toebe 定位到 J)段最后一句:I have no money or insurance to get professional helpI can’t even pay my mortgage(抵押贷款) and face losing everything.

详解 题干中的poor是原文中I have no money or insrrance 的同义转述afford 表示“承担 得起,付得起钱”,J与题干相符

  1. H% 定位 由题干中的 Intemet game 定位到 H段第二句:Internet gamera spend countless houra

competing in games against people from all over the worlp. One such game, called WorlO oO Warcraft, is cited on many sites by poster complaining oO a gaming addiction.

临详解 题干中的much of their time是countless houra的同义替换indulge in意为沉溺 于),indulging in a Internet game 是对 gaming addiction 的同义替换故 H为答案

  1. D)。定位 由题干中的 problems 定位到 D段末句中的 About 8% said they used the Intemet as

a way ho escape problems.

详解 题干中的unwilling ho face up th problems 就是对 escape problems 的同义替换故 D为答案

Section C

|| Passage One


在过去50年中,科学家们寻遍苍穹,希望发现来自外太空的无线信号,以期找到外星生命的一些迹象。 但一位物理学家说,不能排除这样一种可能性,即外星生命已“潜伏”在我们中间,甚至可能存在于我们体 内。据美国“寻找外太空星球智慧生命项目”的主管吉尔•塔特说,有关外星微生物可能隐居在地球上的 观点已经讨论了一段时间,该项目旨在判断是否有外星文明存在。到目前为止,这一问题还没有答案。


  1. B)。 定位 由题干直接定位到原文第一段最后一句:But one physicist says there’s no reason alien

life couldnt already be lurOing among us      or maybe even in us.

详解 推理判断题根据定位句可知这位物理学家用一个双重否定句实际上表达了肯定的 意思,即外星生命可能已“潜伏”在我们中间,甚至还有可能就存在于我们体内,故答案为B) %这 位物理学家并不是认为讨论外星生命不切实际而是表达了一种不同于以往的看法,故排除A)物理学家的话只是说明外星生命可能已经来到人类中间或可能存在于人类体内,但无法推知外 星生命正在悄悄与人类竞争,故排除C);由定位句中…or maybe even in us无法推知外星生命 可能在人类体内“植入”了某些外来物质,故排除D) %

  1. C)% 定位由题干直接定位到原文第四段最后一句

详解语义理解题%联系前文中保罗•戴维斯关于其观点的阐述可知,戴维斯认为人类对地 球上的生命的了解并不深刻,还很欠缺,因此,“对于微生物世界的了解只是一点皮毛而已%) C)与之相符,故为答案% scratched the surface of B固定搭配,意为“浅尝即止,只接触到……的 表面”%

  1. D)% 定位 由题干中的 the U. S. SETI project 定位到原文第五段…the U. S. SETI project

which listens for signaU from civilizationu based around distant starr.

详解 事实细节题%由定位句可知,美国“寻找外太空星球智慧生命”项目主要监听来自遥远 星球的声音讯息,以判断是否有外星文明存在,故答案为D)%外星生命是否存在仍无法确定,更 不要说追踪外星生命的发展了,故排除A);到目前为止还不能确定是否有外星文明存在,所以根 本无法接收关于外星文明的讯息或研究来自地球以外的星球的信息,故排除B)和C)%

  1. C)% 定位 由题干中的the method t。prove the life form of an organism定位到原文倒数第二段

最后——句:Davies ssggested that the only way ho prove.. was S S were built using exotic

elements which no other form of life had.

详解事实细节题。根据定位句可知,按照戴维斯的说法,证明一种生物体不是“我们所知道 的生命”的唯一办法就是看它是否是由其他生命形式所没有的外来元素组成的,故答案为C)。 联系前文How weird do they have ts be…可知,即使是生物系统中一个鲜为人知的分支也很可 能就是“我们所知道的生命”,所以不能以一种生物体是否是生物系统中一个鲜为人知的分支的 组成部分来判定它不是“我们所知道的生命”,故排除A);即使一种生物体经历过二次进化,但其 生命形式中仍没有外来元素,那么它就仍然是“我们所知道的生命”,故排除A);生物系统中可能 存在很多生命形式非常怪异的、鲜为人知的分支,但这些分支也很可能就是“我们所知道的生 命”,所以一种生物体的生命形式是普通的还是怪异的无法证明其是不是“我们所知道的生命”, 故排除D)。

  1. A)。 定位 由题干中的the      ide# of the p#ssage可知本题考查文章主旨内容,可定位到原文的


详解主旨大意题。解答主旨题时,文章的首段和末段是理解的重点。本文主旨在首段就已 说明:…there’s no reason alien life couldn’t already be lurking among us一or maybe even id us. 其后的内容都是在解释为何外星生命可能已“潜伏”在我们中间,甚至可能存在于我们体内。因 为我们对于微生物世界的了解还只是一点皮毛而已;因为生命变体形式一一特别是极小的微生 物一一可能就出没于“我们的鼻子底下甚至鼻子里”;因为目前世界上所有的细菌中,仅有不到 1%得到了深入研究;寻找那些奇异生物体还需要大量时间,故答案为A)。

|| Passage Two


美国近70年来最严重的经济危机使得一些老年人被迫重返不景气的就业市场寻找工作,否则就可能 面临无家可归的境地。由Expedence Works机构的调查发现,自己或配偶生病需要支付巨额医药费用也 是老年人重返工作岗位的原因之一。这场自上世纪30年,以来持续时间最久、影响最深远的经济危机使 得低收入的老年人在找工作时面临着巨大的挑战。政府需颁布一些政策来消除老年求职者的就业障碍, 并提供额外的计划和服务以帮助老年人重返职场或保住工作。


  1. A)。!定位 由题干中的 impact,the economic recession,Amekcan senior citizens 定位到原文首

段:…   the  worst   U. S.   economic    recession   in 70 years     it   forcing   senior   citizens  out                               ot

retirement,leaving them fighting for jobs in a weai labor market…

详解 推理判断题。根据定位句可知,美国近70年来最严重的经济危机使得一些老年人被迫 重返不景气的就业市场寻找工作,故答案为A)。定位句中的force sb. out of doing是;“迫使 某人放弃做……”,在这里;这些老年人不得不改变已经退休的状态,由此推知,A)中的“提前退 休”的意思以及C)中的“面临失业的风险”都与原文意思不符,均可排除;由于定位句中只能获悉 这些老年人将重返职场,无法推知他们要与哪些人竞争工作岗位,故排除D)。

  1. A)。■定位 由题干中的Experence Woris定位到原文第二段最后一句:Experence Woris is the

nationX largesh nonprdfit provider…

  • 详解 事实细节题。由定位句可知,Experence Works是为老年求职者提供社区服务、培训和 就业机会的最大非赢利性机构,故A) (将老年求职者作为其服务对象”为答案。Expekence Works机构是美国最大的,而不是全球最大的,故排除A) ;Expekence Works机构是不以赢利为 目的的,故排除C);这家机构是面向老年求职者提供服务的,而不是全体美国人,故排除D)。
  1. C)。 定位 由题干中的the old people still expect for jobs定位到原文第三段第二句:But here

they are,many in theio 60s,70s and beyond,despente to find work so they can keep a rof over theio heads and food on the table.


里要注意理解a roof over one’s head即“栖身之地”的意思,故C)为本题答案。根据前文可推 知,这些老年人难免会觉得他们已经过了找工作的年龄,故排除A);由后文可推知,既然很多老 年人退休后都不想再继续工作,那么他们不会在退休后为了获取更多保障而重返职场,故排除 B);根据倒数第二句可推知,这些老年人重返职场并不是为了排解由于被裁员或丧偶而带来的痛 苦,而是为了改变这一形势带来的经济压力,故排除D) %

  1. C) % 定位 由题干中的the unemployment rote in the U. S.定位到原文第五段。

详解事实细节题。 由定位段最后一句:The national unemployment rate was at 9. 7 percent in August, the highest in 26 years.可知,八月份全美失业率为9. 7%,创近26年来最高水平,故 答案为 C)。由定位段倒数第二句:The unemployment rate among worOers 55 years and oiler was 6. 7 percent in August after shooting to a recorO 7. 1 percent in July.可知,七月份创纪录的 数据指的是美国55岁以上员工的失业率,而不是全国失业率,故排除A);从七月份的7. 1%下降 到八月份的6. 7%的数据也是指美国55岁以上员工的失业率,因此B)的说法不够明确,故排除; 尽管定位段首句提到 there were 2 million unemployed worker over the age of 55 in August, an increase of 69 percent from the same pekod last year.但这无法说明55岁以上的失业人数是影 响失业率的主要因素,故排除D)。

  1. D)。 定位由题干直接定位到原文最后一段。

详解推理判断题。麦茨勒认为需提供额外的计划和服务以帮助老年人重返职场或保住工 作,故答案为D)。这些额外的计划和服务旨在为老年人重返职场或保住工作提供帮助,B)中提 到的”帮助他们渡过难关”不够明确,故排除;定位句中…create policies that remove barkers to employment for oiler workerr…表明,需颁布一些政策来消除老年求职者的就业障碍,A)”政府 有必要清除就业市场上的障碍”太宽泛,故排除;老年求职者的就业障碍不是“对老年求职者的歧 视”,故排除C)。

Part IV   Translation


With the rapid development of Chinese economy and the increasingly extensive inteolational exchanges, there has been a shar increase in the world’s demands for Chinese learning. Benefting frrm the experence of other countries in pramoting thein nationao languages, China began its own exploration in 2004 thraugh establishing the Confucivs Institutes, which are non-prafit institutions, aiming ho pErmote Chinese language and culttre in foreign countues. By the end of 2012, there had been about 400 Confucios Institutes and 500 Confucios Classroms established by China in 108 countues and regions all arund the world.


  1. 第一句中,“随着中国经济的快速发展和国际交往的日益广泛”可译作With引导的介宾短语,作全句的 状语部分。”国际交往的日益广泛”也可”为the grrwing and widespread international communication。
  2. 第二句中,(借鉴……. 经验)可”为 benefit frm the experence of 或 drw on the experence of。(推 广”此处”为pramote最为合适。
  3. 第三句是承接第二句对孔子学院的介绍,可用定语从句的形式与第二句合”为一个复合句。


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